It's time to let go of "we apologize for the inconvenience" and embrace the change! There are many powerful customer service phrases instead of saying "we're sorry." Win back your customer's trust with the following ten impactful phrases! 1. "Please Accept My Sincere Apologies..." Apolog...
Or, if you’re in a business setting, there comes a point where you really have to apologize and say sorry. For example, if there is a delay in shipping out orders, it may be smarter to apologize for the inconvenience in case they decide to cancel their order, leaving ...
like, "No, it's fine, don't worry about it." But far greater than the challenge of toning down unnecessary "sorrys" is offering an apology when one is due. —
Saying Sorry Quotes Tell him yes. Even if you are dying of fear, even if you are sorry later, because whatever you do, you will be sorry all the rest of your life if you say no. —Gabriel Garcia Marquez 162 How does one know if she has forgiven? You tend to feel sorrow over the...
British people take pride in___on their polite manners towards one another in public. As a result, they often use the word “sorry”—even when they don’t really___it! Usually, if they want to ask a stranger for the time, they will___by saying “Sorry to trouble you.” If they...
Accepting an apology isequivalent to saying you forgive the person at fault. When you say “Okay, whatever” to an apologetic person, perhaps you really don't forgive that person. Can you reply no worries to Sorry? It doesn't acknowledge the value of an apology. ...
Before saying sorry, stop and ask yourself this: “Have I actually done anything wrong here?”. If the answer is no, do not apologize! The urge can be easier to resist if you ask this follow-up question: “If I didn’t do something wrong here, do I really want people to think I...
“Stop saying yes to things that don’t fit with your goals or priorities.” “Stop overworking yourself. You can never get this time back.” I have been a business owner working 60 hours a week, 7 days a week and on holidays for several years and when I read these things, I realiz...
When I started running my own business, I found myself apologizing and over explaining so much I felt like I needed a t-shirt that said “sorry” on it. I would apologize for needing further clarification, for the choices I made, for just existing at times. ...