Michael settles back into his home in Los Santos, planning to return to his life of retirement. Trevor, meanwhile, loses his cool with Floyd and his girlfriend and kills them, necessitating a change of headquarters. Aftersetting up shopin a local strip club called the Vanilla Unicorn, Trevor...
You could be a Jew working in Morocco and still have a girlfriend. So I may just be a late bloomer to that world." Yet unlike, say, George Clooney, Piven doesn't discount the possibility of settling down. "My parents were together until my father died, and I absolutely look to them...
Snapchat pulled the ad from the platform after users took to Twitter to condemn its message. Is it just me, or is this ad that popped up on my Snapchat extremely tone deaf? Like what were they thinking with this? pic.twitter.com/7kP9RHcgNG — Royce Mann (@TheRoyceMann) Ma...