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Apollo IE Aria 🎯外星怪物般的造型,全车就是“超级轻”,除了底盘和车体,前后副车架也是碳纤维,仅为105kg。全车重量也仅为1250kg。该车只限量10台,至于多少💰,你猜吧。[吃瓜][吃瓜] #Apollo IE##豪车超跑##car...
Overall, Apollo Automobil produced just 10 units of the Apollo IE, with a hefty price tag of $2.7 million. When looking at other track-only supercars from its time, the Ferrari FXXK Evo also cost around $2.6 million at launch, with production being limited to 40 units. ...
It’s that GT1 link which is crucial: HWA will be extensively redeveloping the IE to meet FIA safety regulations. Why? Apollo toldEvothat it is “eagerly awaiting what the FIA and the ACO [Automobile Club de l’Ouest, the 24 Hours of Le Mans organisers] says regarding GT1”. This com...
Apollo Intensa Emozione(简称Apollo IE)全球仅10台Apollo Automobil IE,在视觉上有着很大冲击力,用一个词语来形容便是“牛杯”,用一个字来形容便是“帅”。 #Apollo IE##豪车超跑##car时尚# http://t.cn/A6Xr7...
Hyrie Cycnus Thero (granddaughter of Iolaus) Chaeron Unknown Melaneus Proclia Tennes, Hemithea Unnamed woman from Miletus Branchus Laodice Seleucus I Nicator Caterina Da Vinci Leonardo da Vinci Mary Shakespeare William Shakespeare ...
Buy SMALLCARART 1:64 Apollo IE Black Cement Grey Silver-red Deep Purple Diecast Model Car at Aliexpress for . Find more , and products. Enjoy ✓Free Shipping Worldwide! ✓Limited Time Sale ✓Easy Return.
Peako Apollo Intensa Emozione 黑碳老车新拍,黑碳应该已经绝版了。阿波罗ie由于复杂的车身线条,不指望合金车能做出理想的64比例,这台peako出品的64树脂车应该是收型的唯一选择了。不过身为树脂车,品控仍然有问题,属于可远观不可细看的产品,对于这个价格来说,性价比较低。 #合金汽车模型 #汽车模型 发布于2天前...
It would be better if the place had a somewhat small exercise facility ie gym Reviewed December 25, 2017 Did you find this review helpful?Yes|No 12 This is a popular property. Don't miss out! Back to search results Dismiss Top destinations United States Malaysia Philippines Indonesia Singapore...
the Apollo Intensa Emozione is one of the most exclusive hypercars in existence, with only 10 units ever made, all of which sold out immediately. This limited production run has made the IE an object of desire for collectors and enthusiasts alike, positioning it as one of the rarest supercar...