planning command里存在泊车命令 距离泊车点距离parking_spot_range_to_start以内 阶段 阶段名 类型 描述 VALET_PARKING_APPROACHING_PARKING_SPOT apollo::planning::StageApproachingParkingSpot 引导车辆沿主路行驶到泊车位 VALET_PARKING_PARKING apollo::planning::Stage...
apollo::common The apollo::common namespace contains the code of the common module. 类型定义说明◆ EigenAffine3dVecusing apollo::common::EigenAffine3dVec = typedef EigenVector<Eigen::Affine3d> 在文件 eigen_defs.h 第47 行定义.◆ EigenDequetemplate<class EigenType > using apollo::common::...
It would consist of two main sections: the Command/Service Module (CSM), in which the crew would spend most of the mission, and the Lunar Module (LM), which would descend to and return from the lunar surface. [edit] Command/service module Apollo CSM in lunar orbit.The command module (...
During the Apollo 13 Mission, as a result of an explosion in the Command Service Module Liquid Oxygen tank which provided the crew and Fuel Cells with oxygen, the Lunar Module was needed as a "life boat" but was only designed to accommodate 2 crew members; the requirement to support the ...
the ease of the RCA camera’s point-and-shoot design and pistol-grip control foreshadowed the appearance of the first consumer home video cameras of the 1980s. This lightweight camera was fitted with either a wide-angle lens (for shooting the astronauts inside the command module) or a telep...
selectedvehicleelectroniccontrolmodule(ECM),orasubmenuofDTCviewing options.ThecodelistincludestheDTCandabriefdescription(Figure6-6). ClearCodes IfIntelligentDiagnosticsinformation(optional)isactiveanddataisavailablefora selectedDTC,theDiagnoseicon(Figure6-6arrow).isselectable.ForadditionalThediagnostictoolclearscodes...
The Lunar Module had a single DSKY, positioned between the two astronauts where it could be operated by either of them. The Command Module actually had two DSKYs. One of the CM's DSKYs was only the main control panel, while the other was positioned near the optical equipment used to mar...
a. The entire mission record was pre-recorded during LEO ‘practice’ missions including filming the Earth from the command module by using a distant image of the Earth taped to a cabin window. b. The LEM, sensors, laser markers and other instruments were deployed robotically. This could acco...
Added support for SPM Package.resolved format version 3 (#3355):When using Xcode 15.3 the codegen CLI would fail thegeneratecommand with an error stating the Package.resolve file version is unsupported. Version 3 is now accepted as a valid file format for the codegen version checker. See PR ...
Speedmasters, the ones Omega gifted to astronauts to celebrate the successful lunar landing of Apollo XI. This particular example had been given to Michael Collins, the astronaut who stayed back and flew the command module while Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin took that "one small step" onto ...