—abound online and in countless books. and you've probably seen many of the photos. but not like this. the authors spent a year restoring the images, which they culled from nasa, the hasselblad archive in sweden, and the personal collection of astronaut walter cunningham. the team used ...
On studying a consecutive pair of Apollo 17 images, Xavier Pascal – as well as other researchers – spotted a fresh imprint in the second picture below (circled in yellow) which is not in the first photo. There is also a footprint (circled in red) which was present in the first photo...
Isabel Burton, photographed inc. 1869.Photo: Hulton Archive/Getty Images It was a few years after this triumph, back in London, that Burton became engaged to the aristocratic Isabel Arundell, 10 years his junior. They had met six years before, in Boulogne, and for Isabel it had been acou...
As I was navigating a particularly treacherous series of mountain switchbacks, my father-in-law said that we should go south to Bassae. Temple of Bassae in 1966 (McGill University archive) “Bassae?” I said. “What’s there?” “Some ruins,” he answered. “There is a temple of Ap...
Princess Elizabeth with two corgi dogs at her home in London, July 1936. Photo: Lisa Sheridan/Studio Lisa/Hulton Archive via Getty Images Bray’s task has not been lightened by the fact that corgis have got a lot better looking since the 1930s. The early pictures show a very different cr...
(Image credit: ABC Photo Archives/ABC/Getty) Pope Paul VI watched the moon landing from his summer villa.(Image credit: Bettmann Archive) An unidentified Japanese family watched U.S. President Richard Nixon speak as astronauts walked on the moon.(Image credit: Shutterstock) In New York City,...
The extent to which plants can enhance human life support on other worlds depends on the ability of plants to thrive in extraterrestrial environments using in-situ resources. Using samples from Apollo 11, 12, and 17, we show that the terrestrial plant Ar
Fig 41. R100 on its mooring mast at the Cardington land port, archive image. The PORT LAND reversal, LAND PORT for the UK dirigibles built in the adjoining hangars. This tower was built in 1926 and demolished in 1943 to help with the war effort. ...
(2)IN CASE OF EMERGENCY.[Item by Dann.]RegardingArchive.org, Brian Keene has gone through the process of figuring out how to get his works removed from the National Emergency Library. To make it easier for other authors, he supplied the process inThe Horror Show with Brian Keene– episode...
Photo: Apollo’s Fire Sorrell knows about obsession. Born in San Francisco, she studied piano, violin and ballet as a child. The family relocated to Virginia when she was a teen, and Sorrell became smitten with the renewed interest in early music then sweeping the class...