Summary Tech First goal: experimenting the tools that are available to build web software in 2020. This documentation explains which technologies are used here and how they are organised. Codebase Main technologies It's a full-stack Typescript app with some code generation in order to have a ...
Something to get you in the mood here! A little bit of background The Saturn V (spoken as “Saturn five”) was an American human-rated expendable rocket used by NASA’s Apollo and Skylab programs from 1966 until 1973. A multistage liquid-fuelled launch vehicle, NASA launched 13 Saturn Vs...
Summary This chapter contains sections titled: The Surround: Town and Country, White and Black Searching for the Apollo: The Many, Elusive Places for Black Moviegoing in Williamsburg Conclusion Referencesdoi:10.1002/9781444396416.ch13Arthur Knight...
Show moreView chapterExplore book The Apollo program Eric A. Jerde, in Sample Return Missions, 2021 2.2.2 Science gains in importance As an almost completely unexplored planetary object, the initial scientific objectives were very basic, namely to return samples of a variety of rock types, and ...
Each style point has a summary for which additional information is available by toggling the accompanying arrow button that looks this way: . You may toggle all summaries with the big arrow button: Toggle all summaries Read the rest of this entry » Written by apollozhao 2011/03/10 at 13...
From the book Naming and Mapping the Gods in the Ancient Mediterranean Mary R. Bachvarova this Share this 1.2Greece: LiteratureMary R. BachvarovaRegional Loyalties in theIliad: The Casesof Zeus, Apollo, and AthenaIn theIliadZeus, Apollo, and ...