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Neil Armstrong works at the LM in one of the few photos taken of him from the lunar surface. NASA photo as 11-40-5886 During this period Mission Control used a coded phrase to warn Armstrong that his metabolic rates were high and that he should slow down. He was moving rapidly from ...
Photos Explore Log in Join Upload Apollo 11, Nasa, Ruang angkasa image. Free for use. 2 comments The community are waiting to hear from you! Log in or Join Pixabay to view comments Apollo 11NasaRuang AngkasaAstronautLuar AngkasaIlmuwanKapalArmstrongBerdengungAldrinAmerika SerikatProgramPenaklukanSpa...
The Apollo 11 mission launched from the Kennedy Space Center, Florida on July 16, 1969, bearing the first humans to walk on the moon. Placing the Flag on the Moon NASA The deployment of the flag of the United States on the surface of the moon is captured on film during the first Apo...
Although a few photos of the trip come easily to mind, it’s hard to distill such an iconic journey into just a few pictures. For the 54th anniversary of those astronauts’ brave steps, here is an image gallery, taken from theNASA Apollo archives. These 30 stills provide a brief insight...
This experiment allows precise measurements to be collected from the moon to this day, NASA officials said. [Photos: New Views of Apollo Moon Landing Sites] The astronauts' tracks also lead toward Little West crater, which is located about 164 feet (50 meters) east of the Lunar Module. ...
One of the Apollo program's most iconic photos - "Earthrise" - captured by the crew of Apollo 8.NASA The moon program got off the ground with the successful launch of Apollo 7 on Oct. 11, 1968, a shakedown cruise for the redesigned post-fire Apollo command module in low-Earth orbit....
Explore one of mankind’s defining moments, the Apollo 11 mission, when NASA landed the first human beings on Earth’s Moon. Watch NASA’s “The Journeys of Apollo” documentary narrated by actor Peter Cullen, explore true-to-scale models of the Saturn V
On July 20, 1969, Commander Neil Armstrong announced to NASA mission control, "the Eagle has landed."
plus flown to the moon Space Memorabilia View our unique range of Astronaut Autographs and Unsigned Panoramic Apollo Photos Welcome to, a site dedicated to mankind's greatest adventure, the Apollo Missions to the Moon. NASA's manned space program started in 1959 with project Mercury...