Original Apollo 11 Guidance Computer (AGC) source code for the command and lunar modules. - chrislgarry/Apollo-11
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The landing was made four miles west of the aiming point, but well within the designated area. An apparent error in some data fed into the craft’s guidance computer from the earth was said to have accounted for the discrepancy. Suddenly the astronauts were startled to see that the computer...
The landing computer was signaling an overload; the 1202 alarm it displayed was an error code that meant, in effect, "I have too much to do, so I am going to stop, reboot and start over." Had this occurred, mission rules would have called for an immediate abort as their ability to...
Guidance and navigation officer - GUIDO - Steve Bales quickly noticed the lander's flight computer believed the spacecraft was descending 20 feet per second - about 14 mph - faster than it actually was, a manifestation of the down-range navigation error. ...
Computer-controlled machining (CNC) was pioneered in fabricating Apollo structural components. This image, The Blue Marble, was taken on Apollo 17.Many astronauts and cosmonauts have commented on the profound effects that seeing Earth from space has had on them. One of the most important legacies...
Install the Apollo Server project on your computer git clone https://github.com/[your-user]/apollo-server cd apollo-server direnv allow # sets up nvm for you; if you installed nvm yourself, try `nvm install` instead Build and test npm...
307 // computer the time of the point308 if (last_packet_time > 1e-6) { 309 point_time = current_packet_time310 - (current_packet_time - previous_packet_time)311 * (SCANS_PER_PACKET - fir_idx - 1)312 / SCANS_PER_PACKET;
Meanwhile, IBM engineers created SAGE, or Semi-Automatic Ground Environment, an assemblage of early-warning radar defense systems — for which the company built its specialized AN/FSQ-7 computer, a highly durable machine boasting a yearly downtime of less than four hours. The company also develop...
# Apollo Guidance Computer (AGC), for Apollo 11. # Assembler: yaYUL # Contact: Ron Burkey <info@sandroid.org>. # Website: www.ibiblio.org/apollo. # Pages: 1107-1199 # Mod history: 2009-05-08 RSB Adapted from the Luminary131/ file of the # same name, using Comanche055 page images...