kill 你是“全金属外壳”的子弹 - 全金属外壳前言:影片根据古斯塔夫·哈斯福特小说《短期服役》改编,是库布里克继《光荣之路》(Paths of Glory 1957)之后拍摄的又一部反战影片,也是继《猎鹿人》(The Deer Hunter 1978)、《现代启示录》(Apocalypse Now 1979)、《野战排》(Platoon 1986)之后的又一描写越战的杰作...
49. Exodus Redux Kodi 18 Only The Exodus Redux developers have abandoned the addon since Kodi 18. This video addon was one of the best for streaming free movies and TV shows. Some Kodi 18 users can still use it, but it’s unsupported on Kodi 19, Kodi 20, and Kodi 21. Unless you ...