” I found the title page to my mother’s 1982, Holman Bible Publishers, King James Version, it reads:“THE REVELATION TO JOHN (The Apocalypse)."Or in today’s vernacular, an account the Lord Jesus Christ gave of Himself to the Church and events that will occur at the end of this ...
2.any of a class of Jewish or Christian writings of c200b.c.toa.d.350 that were assumed to make revelations of the ultimate divine purpose. 3.a prophetic revelation, esp. concerning a cataclysm in which the forces of good triumph over the forces of evil. ...
Apocalypse, from the verb apokalupto, to reveal, is the name given to the last book in the Bible. Protestants call it the Book of Revelation.
God has set aside two whole chapters in the Bible to warn Mankind of this coming war. The Bible warns the US will not or cannot defend Israel. According to the Bible, Israel must stand alone … with God. For when this coming war does finally start, the United States will be unwilling...
Bible(cap.) revelation (def. 4). Bible, Judaismany of a class of Jewish or Christian writings that appeared from about 200b.c.toa.d.350 and were assumed to make revelations of the ultimate divine purpose. a prophetic revelation, esp. concerning a cataclysm in which the forces of good pe...
facts to those previously unaware of them" is attested from late 14c.; meaning "striking disclosure" is from 1862. As the name of the last book of the New Testament (Revelation of St. John), it is attested from late 14c. (seeapocalypse); as simplyRevelations, it is recorded by 1690s...
the conviction that God will intervene decisively in the present evil age and vindicate his suffering elect over their oppressors, raising the dead, consigning the wicked to eternal destruction, and establishing a new creation. In the Bible, apocalyptic elements are present in the books of Ezekiel...
Without diving too deep into the Book of Kings in the Bible, Elijah is more than the missing man at a Seder. He’s also someone who could call down destructive fire from heaven, and who fearlessly confronted reprobate rulers. But the key distinction here is that Rihn is not asserting so...
BIBLE. Epistles of PaulBIBLE. GospelsGODBIBLICAL teaching on the apocalypseRIGHTEOUSNESS of GodApocalyptic thinking permeates Paul's ideas about the gospel, God, the present age, and what is to come. Paul in his letters not only writes about the revelations that he himself has received (Gal ...
Pocket Apocalypse end times Information: History and Present Explained Images/text Amazing Real Photos with analysis Chemtrails, UFO, Bible Revelations