ApneaLink Air is a simple, convenient home sleep testing device, designed to provide reliable, high quality results.
瑞思迈(ResMed)便携式睡眠呼吸监测仪 ApneaLink Air 是一款专为睡眠呼吸监测而设计的便携设备,已获得美国 FDA、欧盟 CE、台湾 TFDA等认证。 作用原理: ApneaLink Air 使用传感器和内置算法来监测患者的睡眠呼吸模式。 它通过测量呼吸流量、胸部...
法国注册器械 > ApneaLink™ Air 反馈纠错 帮助中心 打印 商品名称 ApneaLink™ Air 制造商 ResMed PTY Ltd. 注册日期 2014-03-18 代理 ResMed 通用名 Polysomnograph 包装说明书上的设备名称 Appareil respiratoire 产品等级 Classe IIa 起源 Non 无菌 non 放射产品 non ...
ResMed Corp 9001 Spectrum Center Boulevard San Diego CA 92123 USA. See .resmed or other ResMed locations worldwide. For patent in ormation, see .resmed/ip. ApneaLink is a trademark o ResMed R&D Germany GmbH and is registered in U.S. Patent and Trademark O fce. ...
Do not use the system if any of the accessories are ripped, broken or bent or if the housing of the ApneaLink Air device is broken.CAUTION •In the US, Federal law restricts this system to sale by or on the order of a physician.•Do not set up the ApneaLink Air system while it ...
ApneaLink Air产品名称,K143272申请号,510k申请类型,RESMED GERMANY INC.申请人,数据来源于药智数据美国上市器械数据库。
ApneaLinkAir ApneaLink Plus - ResMed 热度: BD Cycletest™ Plus DNA Kit 热度: trade自由贸易 热度: ApneaLinkPlusfeaturingEasySensetechnology Sleep-disorderedbreathing(SDB)isrecognizedasa serioushealthproblemthatimpactsapproximately 43millionUSadults.Morethan80%remain ...