The main obstructive sleep apnea cause is the upper airway blockage. Most often, it’s blocked by a relaxed tongue, tissues of the palate and uvula, which fail to keep the airway open. Depending on how many apnea events a person experiences during the night of sleep, he or she may encou...
Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is a chronic medical condition caused by repetitive collapse of the upper airway during sleep. This condition, in turn, can lead to sleep fragmentation and poor sleep quality. Excessive daytime sleepiness, decreased alertness, impaired mood and diminished quality of ...
Sleep is an important factor for health Improve sleep habits with therapy If you are living with a sleep disorder like sleep apnea or insomnia,therapy can helpyou understand and cope with the mood changes and stress that come along with them. Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is a common and...
What is VPAP technology used to treat? What is VPAP in relation to these other PAP types, then? VPAP belongs somewhere between CPAP and APAP on the PAP scale. It doesn’t adjust airway pressure automatically like an APAP device does, but it offers a greater variety of customization th...
In the United States 18 million people have sleep apnea, yet only 20% have been diagnosed and received treatment. Many people do not even know they have it. So what exactly is sleep apnea and how can it be prevented? Learn more about the condition here. ...
What is central sleep apnea and what causes it? Central sleep apnea (CSA) occurs when the brain does not send the signal to breathe to the muscles of breathing. This usually occurs in infants or adults withheart disease, cerebrovascular disease, or congenital diseases, but it also can be ca...
What’s clear is that effective treatment for sleep apnea can improve much more than your sleep — it can impact your health in numerous ways. A review of 27 studies involving more than three million participantsfound that the risk for death due to cardiovascular disease was reduc...
The most common breathing pattern associated with CSA is called Cheyne-Stokes, in which periods of hyper- breathing follow complete interruptions of breathing. CSA can also evolve into what is referred to as “mixed” sleep apnea, in which an event that begins as CSA transforms into Obstructive...
“central” because your apneas are causes by a dysfunction in the central nervous system, not a physical obstruction. Most newer CPAP machines will report if you’re experiencing central apneas or you can’t identify what is causing your rising apnea-hypopnea index, talk to your doctor or ...
What is Sleep apnea During sleep, it is possible to experience interruptions in breathing, and you may not remember it in the morning. Paused breathing during sleep is not uncommon, and it’s often totally normal to have them a few times during the night, and a few pauses won’t have ...