In this model, the cost-effectiveness of predischarge monitoring for apnea of prematurity declined significantly as the duration of monitoring was increased. Consideration should be given to alternative uses for resources in formulating neonatal discharge guidelines....
Prematurity; or Recent respiratory infection; or Severe OSAS was present on pre-operative PSG (a respiratory disturbance index of 19 or greater); or Symptoms of OSAS persist after treatment; Drug-induced sleep endoscopy (DISE) for surgical planning in children (to age 18) with persistent obstruct...
Marcus CL, Meltzer LJ, Roberts RS, Traylor J, Dix J, D’Ilario J, Asztalos E, Opie G, Doyle LW, Biggs SN, Nixon GM, Narang I, Bhattacharjee R, Davey M, Horne RS, Cheshire M, Gibbons J, Costantini L, Bradford R, Schmidt B, Caffeine for Apnea of Prematurity-Sleep S. Long-term ...
Prevalence and risk factors for sleep-disordered breathing in 8- to 11-year-old children: association with race and prematurity. J Pediatr 2003;142383- 389PubMedGoogle ScholarCrossref 16. Trang HLeske VGaultier C Use of nasal cannula for detecting sleep apneas and hypopneas in infants and ...
as medication effects, must be ruled out. When the same diagnostic criteria are found in an infant born at 37 weeks conceptional age or later, but the diagnosis is changed to “apnea of infancy.” The younger the conceptional age at birth, the greater the prevalence of apnea of prematurity...
In Neonatal Intensive Care Units (NICUs), in particular, the immaturity of the respiratory control system of premature infants is the main cause of Apnea Of Prematurity (AOP), which is one of the most common diagnoses [2]. Infants’ breathing patterns can present Cessations of Breathing (COBs...
Children 2022, 9, 419 3 of 16 Table 2. Conditions in Neonates commonly associated with OSA. A. Prematurity B. Craniofacial abnormalities Maxillary hypoplasia • Crouzon syndrome • Apert syndrome • Pfeiffer syndrome • Goldenhar syndrome • Trisomy 21 • Achondroplasia Micrognathia and or...