Richard LeffAllen ErenbergBeverley WynneThomas LuddenPediatric ResearchLeff R, Erenberg A, Wynne B, et al. Caffeine pharmacokinetics (PK) in premature infants with apnea of prematurity (AOP) [abstract]. J Invest Med 1998 Jan; 46: 137A
Cross KW, Hooper JMD, Oppe TE 1953 The effect of inhalation of carbc~n dioxide in air on the respiration of the full-term and premature infant. J Physiol (Lond) 122:264-273 2. Rigatto H, Brady JP, delaTorre Verduzco k 1975 Chemoreceptor reflexes ,n preterm infant. 11. The effect ...
sleep was only minimally disturbed.19 They did note that there was an increased odds ratio of 1.9 for nocturnal oxygen desatura- tion, with an FEV1 of less than 65% predicted and greater desaturations with comorbid OSA.19 It has been shown that patients with overlap syndrome report worse sle...
Postoperative apnea after inguinal hernia repair in formerly premature infants: impacts of gestational age, postconceptional age and comorbidities. Pediatric surgery international. 2013 Aug 1;29(8):801-4.Ozdemir T, Arikan A. Postoperative apnea after inguinal hernia repair in formerly premature infants...
What is new and conclusion This is a complete PPK study of caffeine citrate in Chinese premature infants with apnea, which complements caffeine pharmacokinetic data of the premature from China. A final PPK model was developed which may serve as a beneficial tool for the use of caffeine citrate ...
Cano-Pumarega, I.; Barbé, F.; Esteban, A.; Martínez-Alonso, M.; Egea, C.; Durán-Cantolla, J.; Montserrat, J.M.; Muria, B.; Sánchez de la Torre, M.; Abad Fernández, A. Sleep Apnea and Hypertension: Are There Sex Differences? The Vitoria Sleep Cohort. Chest 2017, 152, ...
Premature Birth: An Important but Frequently Overlooked Risk for OSA. Sleep 2012, 35, 1441–1442. [CrossRef] 11. Jaleel, Z.; Schaeffer, T.; Trinh, C.; Cohen, M.B.; Levi, J.R. Prematurity: A Prognostic Factor for Increased Severity of Pediatric Obstructive Sleep Apnea. Laryngoscope ...
Pediatric obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) has been shown to not only affect the quality of sleep, but also overall health in general. Untreated or inadequately treated OSA can lead to long-term sequelae involving cardiovascular, endothelial, metabolic, end
All of the NTs are synthesized in premature forms (proNTs). proNTs have oppositional action to the mature equivalent, leading to cell degeneration and neuronal apoptosis. proNTs bind to sortilin, which allows the activation of the p75NTR [5]. Its pathway provides activation of JNK and pro-...
Zhou, N.; Ho, J.P.T.F.; Huang, Z.; Spijker, R.; de Vries, N.; Aarab, G.; Lobbezoo, F.; Ravesloot, M.J.L.; de Lange, J. Maxillomandibular advancement versus multilevel surgery for treatment of obstructive sleep apnea: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Sleep Med. Rev....