浙江日发精密机械股份有限公司成立于 2000年,是浙江省机械行业的骨干企业和原国家机械部数控机床重要制造基地、国家级CIMS工程示范企业、国家级高新技术企业,也是国内一家能够同时生产立式数控车床、卧式数控车床、立式加工中心、卧式加工中心、龙门加工中心和落地式镗铣
I wen to various star parties in Japan and it has always been a pleasure. Of course, you meet new people and being french, I'm often noticed by local astronomers : so, to start conversations is easy. And when you're interested in DIY stuff, such a meeting is a gold mine of ideas....
J. WinterI. SesmaAutomated people movers and automated transit systems 2018: moving to the future, building on the past: 16th international conference on automated people movers and automated transit systems, 29 April - 2 May 2018, Tampa, Florida, USA...