Pier 400 Los Angeles APM Terminals Los Angeles is the largest container port terminal in the Western Hemisphere, featuring over 507 acres of world-class infrastructure. Read more Track & Trace Import availability 0 Entries Clear Import availability Type or paste your IDs here. Submit Export ...
APM Terminals Pier 400’s new Clean Truck Express lane is available exclusively to vehicles registered in the Port of Los Angeles Clean Truck Program and powered by battery electric, natural gas, or other zero emission technologies.Initial studies show that this can save trucks and average of 9...
位于洛杉矶港的 APM Terminals 的 400 号码头(Pier 400)是世界上最大的单一专有码头之一。作为马士基运输和物流业务部门的一部分,APM Terminals 运营着世界上最全面的港口和综合内陆服务网络之一,包括全球 76 个港口和 100 多个内陆服务点。APM Terminals 自 2002 年以来一直是洛杉矶港的租户。 APM 码头 SHIPPING L...
The article reports on the contract awarded to APS Technology Group from APM Terminals to install optical character recognition systems for the cranes at its Pier 400 facility in Los Angeles, California. The system will be able to confirm the container load and discharge movements on each of the...
Steven Trombley, APM Terminals Pier 400 Los Angeles Managing Director said, “Our terminal operations team works closely with our customers to optimize their peak season needs to ensure the port productivity and yard, rail and gate capacity meet and exceed customer expectations.”The 15,500 TEU, ...
APM Terminals Los Angeles opened Pier 400 in August 2002. Today it is the largest container port terminal in the Western Hemisphere, featuring 507 acres of world-class infrastructure and 19 Super Post-Panamax ship-to-shore (STS) cranes. ...
APM Terminals Pier 400 Los Angeles2500 Navy Way, Terminal Island, CA 90731, USA +1(310) 221-4100 From North (405 FWY) From South (405 FWY) From Long Beach (Interstate 710) - Traveling South on the 405 San Diego Freeway, then… - Merge onto 110 Harbor Freeway South towards San...
APM Terminals Pier 400 is proud to announce its expanded support for California Least Tern habitat protection through a collaborative initiative managed by the Port of Los Angeles and Rincon Consultants.
Los Angeles, California- APM Terminals Pier 400 Los Angeles set a new world record for the terminal and the Port of Los Angeles on June 18, 2020, handling 18,465 container moves on the MSC Isabella in 6 days, using 12 shifts of labor with a productivity level of 128.2 berth ...
The berthing of a brand-new container ship would melt any heart, as was the case when Maersk Glacier called at APM Terminals’ Pier 400 in Los Angeles on the West Coast Central America (WCCA) line last week. The vessel, sailing under her Panamanian flag, departed from Los...