the new SD Apo will use the glas combination FPL 53 plus lanthanum with 660 mm focal length, this result in a 120 mm F/5.5 doublet with at least the same good color correction as the actual 100 mm ED Apo Binoculars. We will produce again 2 versions, a 120 mm 45 degree and 120 mm...
Although, after using bino-viewers and then giant binos for so many years, I find "cyclopean" observing to be annoying, I've got to say that ES has brought a really nice scope to market. Even though "common wisdom" says that a 120mm bino should produce a brighter image than a 165mm...
With the SkyRover 120 replacing the APM 100mm, I think I'm finally able to settle down and enjoy my instruments without having any nagging feeling about something being missing from my collection. I'm absolutely with you that the combination of the 80mm class and the 120mm/130mm class is...
APM Doublet SD Apo 140 f/7 FPL53 Serial #127 APM factory test results. You guys enjoy these and I do not have the understanding of what the measurements mean. Feel free to post your thoughts. Purchased at Outdoor sport optics 592 Route 940, Suite 103 Pocono Lake, PA 18347. Mail ord...
I use two Binoptics, three mirrored BTs. It is a little bit off topic, neither APM nor Borg, but your Binoptic binos sound very interesting. I was aware that Binoptic offered the bigger binos (> 150, 175mm) with 2", but you have a 120 mm ED, the one with the nice center mount?
For example, a Borg binoscope of 71FL or 72FL costs twice as much as APM 70 ED Apo binocular. Could say the same about Borg 90FL and APM 100 SD. Where is the value addition in the binoscopes coming from? Is it that Flourite objective is so much more colour-free than the triplet...
Which do you think you would use the most, if you had both the APM 120 APO's and the new 150's permanently mounted in a roll-off roof shed in your back yard? I am not Mr Bill, but I had my 150 fujis mounted in a roll off observatory, ...