APL3573AQBI APL6012QBI Product sellpoints Efficient Dissipation Power:With optimized power dissipation, these chips ensure efficient operation and longevity. Substitution for Various Chips:These chips serve as a perfect substitution for Zapp S regular chip, chip from iCarly, and tricolor chip. ...
APL3573QBI-TRG APL6012 อุณหภูมิในการทำงาน International standard การกระจายอำนาจ International standard การจ่ายแรงดัน
WelcomeSign in / Register 0 Cart ₫34,801 Tax excluded, add at checkout if applicable. Color:TPS65265RHBR TMP86FH47BUG TPS65265RHBR APL6012QBI-TUG BQ27Z561YPHR MA12070P RTS5452H Product sellpoints Performance and Property: High-quality components,Utilizes high-quality components to ensure...
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