Facility Ethernet APL Field Switch Instruments Spur:200m APL Power Switch Trunk:1000m 1、全类型信号一体化集成 统一的物理层APL规范,多种基于TCP/IP的应用层以太网协议的灵活应用,实现不 同设备的信息互通,互操作 支持丰富仪表接入,如APL仪表、通用仪表、无线仪表 场景特点 需求 分布范围广 长距离通讯 方便安...
Power Switch The power switch is an N-channel MOSFET with a low RDS(ON). The internal power MOSFET does not have the body diode. When IC is off, the MOSFET prevents a cur- rent flowing from the VOUT back to VIN and VIN to VOUT. Current-Limit Protection The APL3513 series ...
以太网-APL在高可用性安全应用中的应用白皮书:以太网-APL在高可用性安全应用中的应用白皮书说明书 Ethernet-APL in the Field for high-availability Safety Applications White Paper A cooperation between
An APL field switch includes a number of ports that transmit power to APL field devices connected to spurs extending from the ports. The APL Power Class of each port can be dynamically set by a user to enable more efficient allocation of power to the ports to meet the needs of the ...
Power Switch The power switches are N-channel MOSFETs with low RDS(ON). The internal power MOSFETs do not have the body diode. When IC is off, the MOSFETs prevent current flow- ing from the VOUTx back to VIN and VIN to VOUTx. Current-Limit Protection The APL3520 series of ...
Power Switch The power switch is an N-channel MOSFET with a low RDS(ON). The internal power MOSFET does not have the body diode. When IC is off, the MOSFET prevents a current flowing from the VOUT back to VIN and VIN to VOUT. Current-Limit Protection The APL3510/1 series of power ...
资料介绍 APL354_datasheet The APL3546A is a power-distribution switch with some protection functions. The device incorporates a 78mW NchannelMOSFETpower switch that is controlledby an enablelogicpin and has a SS pin dedicated to soft startramp-up rate control thatcanbe used in application where...
内建的保护功能包含:输入电压过电压保护、电池过电压保护、过热保护,当其中一种保护功能被激活时,APL3208会关闭内建P-channelMOSFETPower Switch来隔绝充电电池与充电电源,每种保护功能皆具有抗噪声干扰的功能以防止误触发。 APL3208更具有防止电池逆向提供电流至充电系统的功能,当输入端电压低于电池电压时,内建P-...
power switch resides at the control level, providing Ethernet switch functionality and supplies the power to the cable (over the data lines). Field switches reside at the field level in the hazardous area and are powered from the cable. The field switches provide the Ethernet switch functionality...
series of power switch chips is designed to provide reliable and efficient power management for a wide range of automotive and electronic applications. These chips are engineered to meet the high-quality standards of the original manufacturer, ensuring consistent performance and durability. The SOT23-5...