In the last few years, several studies have shown that inadequate health literacy levels can have significant implications in health outcomes, in the use of health care services and, consequently, in health costs. The concept of health literacy has changed from a purely cognitive definition to a...
The finding that the APLP1 TMS, rather than the large ectodomain, is the determining factor for sAPLP1γ production requires a re-thinking of γ-secretase activity modulation including a re-definition of the substrate features of the γ-secretase. Our data adds another set of unsolved questions...
Hello, I am currently developing OEM Printer Client Application Application Registration. I have adde... hungnq39, sorry for the slow reply. Is this still an issue for you? Than... I have added the necessary permissions for my application as shown below : In my application, when I add scope, the rights are OAUTH_SCOPES = 'profile offline_access u...
In order to identify the public’s emotional and tendentious information, we present reinforcement learning models in which sentiment classification algorithms of product online review corpus are discussed …Setting the Boundaries of the AI Landscape: An Operational Definition for the European Commission’...