Presents National Library of Australia director-general Warren Horton's comments on the role of 'APLIS' magazine in the field of information services in its eleventh year of publication and the response from editor Alan Bundy. Role as an effective forum for debate on public library issues; ...
Regulated intramembrane proteolysis of the amyloid precursor protein (APP) and its homologs, the APP like proteins APLP1 and APLP2, is typically a two-step process, which is initiated by ectodomain-shedding of the substrates by α- or β-secretases. Grow
Hello, I am currently developing OEM Printer Client Application Application Registration. I have adde... hungnq39, sorry for the slow reply. Is this still an issue for you? Than... I have added the necessary permissions for my application as shown below : In my application, when I add scope, the rights are OAUTH_SCOPES = 'profile offline_access ...
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