7、 Word .doc/.docx a REVTeX/LaTeX file. The entire manuscript, should be set up for 21.6 28 cm (8-1/2 11 in. or A4) pages with 2.54 cm (1 in.) margins all the way around. The font and _Note: This is an example of a footnote to the title if the paper was part of a ...
1. 选择菜单命令"文件"(File) >"打开..."(Open...). 2. 打开"库"(Libraries) 选项卡并选择下列库: – "PCS 7 AP Library V81" 3. 单击"确定"(OK). 入门指南 - 第 2 部分(V8.1 版本,含 APL) 52 入门指南, 07/2014, A5E32784379-AA 使用合理的功能组态 CFC 图 6.2 扩展主数据库 4. 该...
either a Microsoft Word .doc/.docx file or a REVTeX/LaTeX file. The entire manuscript, should be set up for 21.6 × 28 cm (8-1/2 × 11 in. or A4) pages with 2.54 cm (1 in.) margins all the way around. The font and ___Note: This is a 内容提供方:shuwkb 审核时间:2017-06...
The manuscript must be in good scientific American English; this is the authors responsibility. All files will be submitted through our online electronic submission system at . Manuscript preparationArticles can be prepared as either a Microsoft Word .doc/.docx file or a REVTeX/LaTeX file. The ...
列 子列 参数 图表 ChName CFC_NP311 输出值 COUT.PV_Out SymbolName NP311_con 电机运行输入值 FBON.PV_In SymbolName NP3x1_on 自动模式开/关 MOTOR.StartAut TextRef 手动/ 自动切换 MOTOR.ModLiOp 值 0 手动/ 自动选择 MOTOR.AutModLi 值 0 5. 选择菜单命令 “文件”(File) “保存”(Save) ...
ArticlescanbepreparedaseitheraMicrosoftWord.doc/.docxfileoraREVTeX/LaTeXfile.Theentiremanuscript,shouldbesetupfor21.6×28cm(8-1/2×11in.orA4)pageswith2.54cm(1in.)marginsallthewayaround.Thefontand ___ Note:Thisisanexampleofafootnotetothetitle...
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