但是,64位操作系统与32位操作系统是向后兼容的,所以您应该在arm64设备上安装带有arm lib的APK。 更新内容 v1.6.0 (24-8317480)版本 - 添加了对从google文件、小米文件管理器和chrome下载通知安装 .apkm文件的支持。 - 在安装屏幕上显示apk、捆绑包和拆分的文件大小。 - 切换到google最新的ump(用户消息平台),...
It seems that -7YZ builds became -4YZ with Google Play services 6.5. If you were on -7YZ before, you should now install -4YZ. Looks like -8YZ builds are for Android TV. Examples: -014 for Android <5.0 armeabi CPU 240 DPI device -438 for Android 5.0+ armeabi-v7a CPU 480 DPI de...
结果: google play试了arm、64、86都不行,安装完成后没有app的图标,也无法打开; youtube压根就不能安装… 求大神们帮助 分享135 nexus4吧 iGlear 【求助】总弹出play服务停止运行怎么办5.0,未root,前两天在第三方市场更新了次play服务,发现有问题后就卸了,然后手机经常就会弹出Google play服务和Google+停止运行...
It seems that -7YZ builds became -4YZ with Google Play services 6.5. If you were on -7YZ before, you should now install -4YZ. Looks like -8YZ builds are for Android TV. Examples: -014 for Android <5.0 armeabi CPU 240 DPI device -438 for Android 5.0+ armeabi-v7a CPU 480 DPI de...