真正的原版 APK Installer: IT之家了解到,截至发稿,这款冒牌应用“Apk™ Installer”已经在微软应用商店下架,而 WSATools 正式版,目前已经重新在应用商店上架,用户搜索后即可免费下载。 WSATools 微软应用商店链接:点击打开
In a word, regardless of whether you are a Windows 11 Public user in the United States or a Preview Insider around the world, you can all install Windows 11 for Android Apps now. Follow the respective guide here to install and run Android apps on your computers with respective solutions. ...
WSATools from Simone Franco will let you open APK files on Windows 11 and install them with a single click (similar to how you can deploy MSIX files using App Installer). The utility will utilize file associations in Windows 11, allowing users to install Android apps by simply opening them...
注,该文章同步发布在公众号:傻大个黑科技在这篇文章中,我将向你展示如何在Windows 11中轻松安装Android应用程序,使用一个名为WSA-Pacman的软件,它使这个过程非常简单和直观。这个软件是由一个Github开发者创建的,开发者页面: https://github.com/alesimula/wsa_pacman
WSA 工具箱获取链接:https://t.bilibili.com/583953911166568962 APK-Installer:https://github.com/Paving-Base/APK-Installer APK-Installer可以直接双击安装啦 展开更多科技猎手 科技 软件应用 微软 安卓 软件分享 电脑技巧 Windows ADB 装机必备 子系统 Win 11...
21-12-31 11:37 来自IT之家 【APK Installer 和 WSATools 同时躺枪:冒牌应用登陆微软应用商店】这款冒牌应用名为“Apk™ Installer”,其图标碰瓷原版 App,但是名称冒名顶替了“APK Installer”正牌应用。目前应用已经下架,而正版 WSATools 在微软应用商店恢复上架。详情点击:OAPK Installer 和 WSATools 同时躺枪:...
Apk Installer(原名:WSAInstallTool,自1.2.3.0版本后更名)是一款Windows下自动关联APK文件且双击APK安装到任意安卓设备上的工具。该软件可以显示Apk自身的图标,详细的权限列表等。 支持Windows 11 安卓子系统,支持Windows 7、Windows 10 、Windows 11安装软件至任意安卓设备上。如软件无法运行,请安装.Net Framework 4.5...
APK installer - WSA is a useful tool that lets you install and run Android games and apps on windows PC.It relies on Windows Subsystem for Android (WSA) and Android Debug Bridge (ADB) to build a secure and stable virtual Android running environment. It m
An Apk installer tool for WSA(Windows 11's Subsystem for Android). Apk File Installer is a simple apk installer for WSA(Windows 11's Subsystem for Android). Apk Installer currently requires a few prerequisites to work: 1. (WSA)Windows Subsystem for
android python windows adb android-sdk apk apk-installer windows-11 wsa pysimplegui windows11 windows-subsystem-for-android Updated Jan 4, 2025 Python ibilux / MobyDroid Star 157 Code Issues Pull requests Android Device Manager with a Graphic User Interface (GUI) – Manage Android on Linu...