Windows 11新的内置Android模拟器配备了亚马逊应用商店,但它只提供大约50个Android应用。不过,Windows 11却支持苹果公司闻风丧胆的侧载,也就是可以直接将apk安装包执行并安装到Android子系统上,但这个过程相当复杂,需要使用PowerShell和多个命令行条目。现在,一位意大利开发者Simone Franco开发了一个微软商店的应用程序,操作...
it's now a real thing for sideloading and running Android apps as a partnership of Amazon Appstore. Then, it's now a reality that Windows 11 Public users in the U.S. area could get the new update and configure the computer to install APK in Windows 11. ...
Where in Windows will I find this media? I checked the file manager of the Windows Subsystem but they're not there. chintan_patelAug 14, 2022Place Windows Insider ProgramWindows Insider Program 1.1KViews 0likes 0Comments What's new Surface Pro 9 Surface Laptop 5 Surface Studi...
While Alight Motion is primarily an Android app, you can use it alongside Microsoft software: Video Editing: Create animations or visual effects in Alight Motion and then import the resulting videos into Microsoft Video Editor or Windows Movie Maker for further editing. PowerPoint Presentat...
Now, right-click an empty area in the platform-tools folder window and select “Open command window here“, “Open PowerShell window” or “Open in Terminal” option depending on the Windows OS version. Alternatively, you can type “cmd” or “powershell” in the folder address bar to ope...
Šajā atjauninājumā ir iekļauti arī šādi: Sākot ar šo laidienu, no 2023. gada 11. jūlija un beidzas 2023. gada 10. oktobrī, lai informētu klientus par Windows Server 2012 R2 atbalsta beigām (EOS) 2023. gada 10. oktobrī. Lai iegūtu papildinformāciju par atri...
Ja ierīces neatbilst tehniskajām prasībām, lai darbinātu pašreizējo Windows laidienu, iesakām aizstāt ierīci ar ierīci, kas atbalsta Windows 11. Microsoft ne piedāvā paplašinātā drošības atjauninājuma (ESU) programmu programmatūrai Windows 8.1...
Original error: 'Command 'C:\\Users\\xukin\\AppData\\Local\\Android\\Sdk\\platform-tools\\adb.exe -P 5037 -s emulator-5554 install -g C:\\Windows\\system32\\node_modules\\appium-uiautomator2-driver\\node_modules\\io.appium.settings\\apks\\settings_apk-debug.apk' exited with code ...
Microsoft has released Windows Subsystem for Android, version 2304.40000.5.0, to all Insiders running Windows 11. It is available in all release channels. Now it will check all apps you install, regardless of their source, with the anti-virus installed in Windows 11. By default, it is the ...
Post successful installations of the Android Emulator please navigate to the link to download Swift Streamz APK as provided in the above section. Download the Swift Streamz APK on your Windows PC/ MAC Computer. Swift Streamz APK for PC ...