安装Android应用程序时出现"Parse Error : There a parsing the package“ 我在安装android应用程序(Parse Error : There is a problem parsing the package.)时遇到了这个错误。我完成了以下步骤。我第一次安装应用程序时,它运行良好。我对现有的应用程序进行了更改,并在清单文件中更改了版本号。,然后我导出应用程...
I've upgraded the Intel XDK to the new version 3088 and I can't get valid apk. When signed project I get "App not installed" error, when I build not-signed project I get "Parse error There was a problem parsing the package". (I've tried to build new projects and old p...
"Parse Error : There is a problem parsing the package" while installing Android application 2 Failed to install apk file by Package Installer in Android? 9 “There is a problem parsing the package” 0 Android - Issue with .apk file 1 Package Parsing Error In Android at the Time of ...
I am getting the error "There was a problem parsing the package". There seems to be a number of suggestions on the web. I have made sure that: The Version # of the apk to be installed is greater than the currently installed package. The package name is the same. The package SDK tar...
捆绑安装assert文件下的apk时模拟器提示错误:there is aproblem parsing the package , 换成真机也提示同样的错误:解析包时出现问题 自己是通过将assert下的apk文件另存到缓存文件夹中(data/data/<packname>/cache)然后再安装, 但是此目录下的文件是默认只有此应用可以读写,所以想让apk安装器读这里 必须重新设置权...
When trying to install apk using the below code some devices have this issue "There was a problem while parsing the package" but some are not. I want to find why? I check the APK file and it's fine isn't corrupted When manually open the ...
Yes, the problem is gone, but how do I find out the correct name? I tried "com.facebook.katana.provider.PlatformProvider" and "com.facebook.katana", the application could not be installed due to the error "There was a problem parsing the package". Looking at the other "<provider andro...
Once the APK is installed, move the OBB file to Android > OBB >com.pubg.krmobile. Launch PUBG Mobile Korean version and log in to your account. Note:In the case of the “Problem parsing the package” error, try downloading the files again. ...
The problem is: I cant install the signed apk file, neither on a smartphone (Samsung S4), nor on a virtual device. The option to install form external sources is switched on, so thats not the problem. I get an error message saying apk cant be opened due to a parsing error. So sth...
But when I download the apk from my website with Firefox or Chrome and install it after it's downloaded I keep getting the error 'Parse error. There's a problem at parsing the package' (translated to English from Dutch). Anybody an idea what causes this? I'm completely stuck. Translate...