Apk Installer(原名:WSAInstallTool,自1.2.3.0版本后更名)是一款Windows下自动关联APK文件且双击APK安装到任意安卓设备上的工具。该软件可以显示Apk自身的图标,详细的权限列表等。 支持Windows 11 安卓子系统,支持Windows 7、Windows 10 、Windows 11安装软件至任意安卓设备上。如软件无法运行,请安装.Net Framework 4.5...
WSATools from Simone Franco will let you open APK files on Windows 11 and install them with a single click (similar to how you can deploy MSIX files using App Installer). The utility will utilize file associations in Windows 11, allowing users to install Android apps by simply opening them...
After this, you can now move to the next part to install Android APK on Windows 11. As the ways to install APK on Windows 11 are different, we suggest you first confirm your current running version of Windows 11 and then follow the right guide to get the desired APK application installed...
its a least java 1.8 installer Does execute java on command line / cmd prompt if not please install java 8 plus to make as default Installation for apk tool 1)windows 2)Linus 3)mac os 4)ubuntu 5)Kali linux image/svg+xmlBotttsPablo Stanleyhttps://bottts.com/Florian KörnerThomas ...
WSA 工具箱获取链接:https://t.bilibili.com/583953911166568962 APK-Installer:https://github.com/Paving-Base/APK-Installer APK-Installer可以直接双击安装啦 展开更多科技猎手 科技 软件应用 微软 安卓 软件分享 电脑技巧 Windows ADB 装机必备 子系统 Win 11...
Thread[TOOL][MAC/WINDOWS/Linux] Apk installer | need testing | UPDATE new version for all Systems to start just duble click on jar file ;) connect you phone via USB to install drap apk files in file list or click in open button i dont know if it works on linux and windows i can'...
百度贴吧 聊兴趣,上贴吧 立即打开 百度贴吧内打开 继续访问 百度贴吧 聊兴趣 上贴吧 打开 chrome浏览器 继续 综合 贴 吧 人 直播 和云镜吧 _雙手插袋_ APKInstaller可以连接但装不了app 分享106 windows11吧 itAzaer Windows11稳定版安装安卓子系统教程(不需要加入bate通道)首先下载Windows Subsystem for Android...
Windows 10 Build 17763 及以上 设备需支持 ARM64/x86/x64 至少400MB 的空余储存空间 (用于储存安装包与安装应用) 使用应用安装脚本安装应用 下载并解压最新的安装包(APKInstaller (Package)_x.x.x.0_Test.rar) 如果没有应用安装脚本,下载Install.ps1到目标目录 右击Install.ps1,选择“使用PowerShell运行” 应...
Windows 10 Build 18362及以上 设备需支持ARM64/x86/x64 至少400MB的空余储存空间(用于储存安装包与安装应用) 使用应用安装脚本安装应用 下载并解压最新的安装包(APKInstaller (Package)_x.x.x.0_Test.rar) 如果没有应用安装脚本,下载Install.ps1到目标目录 右击Install.ps1,选择“使用PowerShell运行” 应用安装...