通过Google Play的应用网址来下载对应的apk/xapk文件。其他网站无一例外,都无法在国内访问。
APK Downloader [Latest] Download Directly
APK Downloader (1.5.1.exe). APK Downloader is a free program that will allow you to download an APK file from the Android Market directly to your desktop...
One more Website to Websited WhatsApp apk on PC The above two mentioned sources should be free and give you the latest version of WhatsApp apk for Android. But, if you want to try out more and look for another source, here it is.Evozi’s APK Downloaderis the most preferable source ...
下面就让小编教大家一种直接从谷歌商店下载apk的方法。 第一步:打开你想要下载APP的Google Play链接 第二步:进入这个网站http://apps.evozi.com/apk-downloader/第三步:将Google Play里APP的ID复制下来,再粘贴到刚才那个网站里,点击“Generate Download Link”,等待信息加载完成,再点击绿色按钮,然后就能下载APK...
无需绑定设备,下载google play的apk 访问https://apps.evozi.com/apk-downloader/ 进入该网站后,输入google play 的apk 所在详情页面地址,如 https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.xxx,然后就能直接下载啦。
那就是免登入 Google 帐号透过《APK Downloader 网页版》直接下载(原方法来源于智龙迷城吧帖子帮助) 点击进入APKDownloader 网页版网站:http://apps.evozi.com/apk-downloader/ 然后会出现网站界面,将需要下载的google play应用地址复制进填写界面并按下「Generate Download Li 分享33赞 三星s7吧 也就这样吧℃ 【...
Step 1:Choose a Trusted Downloader: Popular options includeAPKPure,EVOZI, orAPKMirror. Step 2:Enter the application’s name or URL unavailable in your region and press theEnterkey. Step 3:From the displayed list tap on theappropriateoption and choose the latest version according to your Android...
I have not tried to install google play yet, but nevertheless, some (free) apps I seem to only find there. So this one prooved to be very helpful to me: http://apps.evozi.com/apk-downloader/The question has been closed for the following reason "the question is answered, an ...
只要不是官方渠道下载,就绝对都不靠谱,可能会下载到被植入广告甚至恶意代码的应用都是很正常的,所以还是从Google Play下载靠谱。...在这里推荐使用http://apps.evozi.com/apk-downloader/,打开网页后直接输入Google Play应用的地址,即可索取到直接从Google Play下载APK安装文件的链接 8.6K20 python在使用过程中安装库...