APK Studiois a cross-platform free and open-source tool that lets you decompile APK files and edit codes and resources and recompile it. You can call it IDE (Integrated Development Environment) which comes with complete user friendly GUI much like other common IDEs. Unlike some APK reverse en...
简介 apk文件反编译工具,未加固可用展开收起 暂无标签 /giteeLi/apk-decompiler Apache-2.0 保存更改 取消 发行版 暂无发行版 贡献者(2) 全部 马建仓 AI 助手 尝试更多 代码解读 代码找茬 代码优化
Mac下使用apktool进行APK Decompiler 1. 下载apktool 这个工具可以最大幅度地还原APK文件中的9-patch图片、布局、字符串等等一系列的资源 MAC版本下载地址:http://ibotpeaches.github.io/Apktool/install/ Mac OS X: Download Macwrapper script(Right click, Save Link Asapktool) Download apktool-2 (find newes...
apktool反编译工具 等级: 大小:8.79M更新时间:2024-04-28 直接下载 简要: apktool反编译工具是一款功能强大且操作简单的apk反编译破解工具,该软件拥有编译、反编译、签名等一系列功能,它主要就是针对经常DIY安卓软件的用户们打造的,所以对于经常DIY安卓软件的朋友来说,是必不可少的软件。同时还支持将反编译的dex...
ApkToolPlus 是一个 apk 逆向分析工具(a apk analysis tools)。 apk-signature-protectionapk-decompilerapktoolapk-protection UpdatedApr 19, 2021 Java kefir500/apk-editor-studio Star1k Code Issues Pull requests Discussions Powerful yet easy to use APK editor for PC and Mac. ...
Powerful yet easy to use APK editor for PC and Mac. qwertycube.com/apk-editor-studio/ Topics qt apk-editor apk-decompiler apktool Resources Readme License GPL-3.0 license Activity Stars 1.1k stars Watchers 30 watching Forks 131 forks Report repository Releases 11 APK Editor Stud...
Jadx decompiler for Android apktool If you need to extract and decode resources to nearly original form, useapktool:tool to extract resources from the apk It does not decompile original Java source code andworks much faster. The limit on number of jobs isnot applicable. ...
DecompilerWxApkgTool是使用javafx开发的一款微信小程序反编译工具,从微信小程序(小游戏)中获取压缩包,反编译其中的编码及资源 xJavaFxTool交流QQ群:== 387473650(此群已满) 请加群②1104780992 == 环境搭建说明: 开发环境为jdk1.8,基于maven构建 使用eclipase或Intellij Idea开发(推荐使用Intellij Idea) 该项目为javaF...
https://bitbucket.org/iBotPeaches/apktool/downloads https://raw.githubusercontent.com/iBotPeaches/Apktool/master/scripts/windows/apktool.bat Dex2jar https://github.com/pxb1988/dex2jar/releases/ JD GUI https://github.com/java-decompiler/jd-gui/releases/ ...
Apktool Bytecode Viewer Basically, each of these APK decompilers works differently and has its own pros and cons. So, you have to select them according to your requirements. For example, JADX is quick and convenient but sometimes resource files are partially missing in its output. So, JADX ...