localcore=require("apisix.core")localproxy_rewrite=require("apisix.plugins.proxy-rewrite")localplugin_name="my-plugin"local_M={version=0.1,priority=1000,-- 设置插件的优先级,值超大,优先级越高,越先执行name=plugin_name,}-- 定义插件的 schema_M.schema={type="object",properties={new_host={type=...
一、什么是 APISIX 和 proxy-rewrite 插件 APISIX 是一个基于 Nginx 和 etcd 构建的云原生 API 网关。它提供了高性能、可扩展和易于管理的 API 网关解决方案。proxy-rewrite 插件是 APISIX 的一个核心插件,用于在请求经过 API 网关时进行 URL 重写、请求方法重写和请求头重写等操作。 二、为什么需要重写 HTTP 请...
{ "error_msg": "failed to check the configuration of plugin proxy-rewrite err: invalid regex_uri(^/pres/(*), /$1): pcre_compile() failed: nothing to repeat in \"^/pres/(*)\" at \"*)\"" } test {"uri":"/pres/*","name":"m01-www-user","desc":"services for users - acc...
这里插件名称我们叫custom-vars,是专门注册自定义变量的插件,我们注册了custom_username和cache_bypass这两个变量,并且添加了 Control API,我们将源码保存为custom-vars.lua并放到 APISIX 的plugins目录下,然后在配置文件中添加插件,如果之前没有添加过需要复制config-default.yaml中所有的插件,然后再补充上我们的插件。
Issue description Our upstream service relies on the parameter of x-forwarded-proto and uses the proxy rewrite plug-in to rewrite the parameter. The upstream service does not get the correct rewritten value When APISIX configures the rou...
-- rewrite -> access -> before_proxy -> header_filter -> body_filter -> delayed_body_filter -> logfunction_M.rewrite(conf, ctx)-- core.log.warn("plugin rewrite phase, conf: ", core.json.encode(conf))-- core.log.warn("plugin rewrite phase, ctx: ", core.json.encode(ctx, true)...
have a proxy-rewrite on each of the routes, because redirection occurs on `/api/mock/test/1`, `/api/mock/test/2` etc. Each route will have its own forwarding address. I forgot to mention this in the description, sorry. I suppose I should use priorities, or create routes in a certai...
pavlenkodev closed issue #10419: help request: Using a proxy-rewrite plugin with similar routes URL: https://github.com/apache/apisix/issues/10419 -- This is an automated message from the Apache Git Service. To respond to the message, please log on to GitHub and use the URL above to go...
function _M.rewrite(conf, ctx) -- core.log.warn("plugin rewrite phase, conf: ", core.json.encode(conf)) -- core.log.warn("plugin rewrite phase, ctx: ", core.json.encode(ctx, true)) -- core.log.warn("plugin rewrite phase, username: ", get_username()) ...
APISIX 的 proxy-cache 插件可以对上游的查询进行缓存,这样就不需要上游的应用服务自己实现缓存了,或者也能少实现一部分缓存,通用的交给插件来做。 下面的操作都是基于 APISIX 3.2 版本进行配置,关于 proxy-cache 的详细配置的可以参考文档:https://apisix.apache.org/docs/apisix/3.2/plugins/proxy-cache/不过文档很...