1、现象:apiserver 日志报 Unable to authenticate the request" err="[invalid bearer token, service account token is not valid yet]" 2、分析原因:K8S集群证书过期,导致网络插件异常,从而导致apisever通讯异常 3、处理方法: 证书更新完,重启calico插件、kube-proxy和metrics-server即可恢复 4、如果还是不行,可能...
kube-apiserver报错,错误如下: E0325 12:48:30.435304 183504 authentication.go:89] Unable to authenticate the request due to an error: [invalid bearer token, square/go-jose: error in cryptographic primitive] 这个错误指明了是与apiserver通信时认证失败造成的,接着就去找哪个组件报错说无法获取apiserver的...
klog.Errorf("Unable to authenticate the request due to an error: %v", err) } failed.ServeHTTP(w, req)return}if!audiencesAreAcceptable(apiAuds, resp.Audiences) { err = fmt.Errorf("unable to match the audience: %v , accepted: %v", resp.Audiences, apiAuds) klog.Error(err) failed.Se...
klog.ErrorS(err, "Unabletoauthenticatetherequest") } failed.ServeHTTP(w, req) return } ... req = req.WithContext(genericapirequest.WithUser(req.Context(), resp.User)) handler.ServeHTTP(w, req) }) } DefaultBuildHandlerChain()函数中会调用认证、授权等功能相应的函数对http.Handler请求处理函数...
非常感谢 @opsnull 分享的文档 我搭建master高可用的时候发现kube-controller-manager起来后有个Authentication is disabled #--- [root@k8s-master2 ssl]# systemctl status kube-controller-manager.service ● k
There are a bunch of people reporting this and it seems to be due to a whole bunch of problems. The default setup needs the pod to be able to request metrics from kubelets directly. That needs the kubelet to support token auth, which my kops setup didn't do out of the box, it als...
These are the steps the kube-API server takes when a pod is created in the cluster: a. Authenticate User b. Validate Request c. Retrieve Data d. Update ETCD e. Scheduler f. Kubelet The other components such as the scheduler, kube-controller-manager & ku...
request conversion:将请求对象转换为内部对象进行后续处理,k8s 中的对象分为外部对象(external version)和内部对象(internal version)。通过decoding 和 conversion 就将请求json 转换为了 Pod 资源对象进行处理,当处理完毕后在通过encoding 和 conversion 转换为外部对象返回。 admission: 准入控制,会先将请求 Schema 对象...
可以使用kubectl、客户端库方式对REST API的访问,Kubernetes的普通账户和Service帐户都可以实现授权访问API...
[874]: E1113 01:56:41.411435 874 webhook.go:154] Failed to make webhook authenticator request: apiserver disabled Nov 13 01:56:41 systemd-node-2 k3s[874]: E1113 01:56:41.411485 874 server.go:304] "Unable to authenticate the request due to an error" err="apiserver disabled" Nov 13 ...