🐞 解决数据结构 array 类型在展示的时候不显示字段名的问题。 🐞 解决编辑接口字段时,光标未移出编辑框,直接 ctrl+s 保存失败的问题。 1.4.0 2021-07-12 🔥【新功能】支持多窗口打开多个项目。 🔥【测试用例】导入【接口用例】时可选择绑定模式,绑定后修改【接口用例】后会实时同步更新到【测试用例】...
🐞 解决数据结构 array 类型在展示的时候不显示字段名的问题。 🐞 解决编辑接口字段时,光标未移出编辑框,直接 ctrl+s 保存失败的问题。 1.4.0 2021-07-12 🔥【新功能】支持多窗口打开多个项目。 🔥【测试用例】导入【接口用例】时可选择绑定模式,绑定后修改【接口用例】后会实时同步更新到【测试用例】...
public CommonResp deleteProduct(@RequestParam("id") Integer id){returnproductService.deleteProduct(id) ?CommonResp.success("删除成功"):CommonResp.failed("删除失败"); } js: exportconstgoodsDelete=(data)=>{varform=new FormData() form.append("id",data)returnpost({ url:'/deleteProduct',data:fo...
//$requestData= "{'OrderCode':'','ShipperCode':'YTO','LogisticCode':'12345678'}"; $datas = array( 'EBusinessID' => $this->ebusinessid, 'RequestType' => $this->request_type, 'RequestData' => urlencode($requestData) , 'DataType' => '2', ); $datas['DataSign'] = $this->...
- positions - an array of tuples representing the x/y coordinates of the fingers to tap. Length can be up to five. - duration - (optional) length of time to tap, in ms :Usage: driver.tap([(100, 20), (100, 60), (100, 100)], 500) ...
mode = 'form-data'; if (foxApi.requestBody.hasOwnProperty('parameters') && foxApi.requestBody.parameters instanceof Array) { foxApi.requestBody.parameters.forEach((param: any) => { param.name && request.body.parameter.push( { is_checked: "1", type: param['type'] && param['type'] =...
API engineering is to automate and standardize the process of writing, building, publishing, testing, updating, and managing APIs through a combina...
[ "array", "null" ], /* 这个字典是array类型,有子元素 items */ "items": { /* 就是一个嵌套的 Object */ "type": "object", "properties": { "value": { "title": "值", "type": "string" }, "label": { "title": "名称", "type": "string" } }, "x-apifox-orders": [ ...
string postData = "{ ID: \"1\", NAME: \"Jim\", CREATETIME: \"1988-09-11\" }"; //设置参数的编码格式,解决中文乱码 byte[] byteArray = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(postData); //设置request的MIME类型及内容长度 request.ContentType = "application/json"; ...