ApiExplorerSettingsAttribute() 控制相關聯控制器類別或動作方法之 的可見度和組名 ApiDescription。屬性展開表格 GroupName 相關聯動作或控制器之 的組名 ApiDescription。 IgnoreApi 如果true 這樣,則不會 ApiDescription 為相關聯的控制器或動作建立任何物件。適用...
public bool IgnoreApi { get; set; } Property ValueType: System.Boolean true if the controller or action should be ignored; otherwise, false.See AlsoReferenceApiExplorerSettingsAttribute ClassSystem.Web.Http.Description NamespaceEnglish (United States) Your Privacy Choices Theme Manage cookies Previous...
在日常开发 webapi 时,我们往往会集成 swagger doc 进行 api 的文档呈现,当api数量比较多的时候就会...
在.NET Core中至少使用IApiDescriptionProvider和其他相关接口的给定实现也使用它,但只有在实际使用它们(通过在Startup.cs中进行配置)时才会生效。 (有关更多细节和示例,请参见https://andrewlock.net/introduction-to-the-apiexplorer-in-asp-net-core/) - Pac0 0 这个属性有助于控制可见性。当我们想要隐藏...
services.AddODataApiExplorer(options=>options.UseApiExplorerSettings=true); This is also documented in the wiki topicUse API Explorer Settings. Note that once you choose to honor theApiExplorerSettingsAttribute.IgnoreApi, this will result in all other undecorated classes that inherit fromODataController...
public bool IgnoreApi { [CompilerGeneratedAttribute] get; [CompilerGeneratedAttribute] set; } Property Value Type: System.Boolean true if the controller or action should be ignored; otherwise, false. See Also ApiExplorerSettingsAttribute Class System.Web.Http.Description Namespace Return ...
System.Web.Http.Description.ApiExplorerSettingsAttribute Namespace: System.Web.Http.Description Assembly: System.Web.Http (in System.Web.Http.dll) Syntax C# 複製 [AttributeUsageAttribute(AttributeTargets.Class|AttributeTargets.Method, AllowMultiple = false)] public sealed class ApiExplorerSettingsAttribute...
ApiExplorerSettingsAttribute.IgnoreApi Property项目 2015/10/28 本文内容 Syntax See Also Gets or sets a value indicating whether to exclude the controller or action from the ApiDescription instances generated by ApiExplorer.Namespace: System.Web.Http.Description Assembly: System.Web.Http (in System....
if(ignoreApiExplorerSettings) { returntrue; } returnaction.GetProperty<ApiExplorerModel>()?.IsODataVisible()?? action.GetProperty<ControllerModel>()?.ApiExplorer?.IsODataVisible()?? false; } /// /// Populates the API version parameters for the specified API description. /// Expand...
The HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\International registry key and its subkeys contain the international settings for Internet Explorer.The subkey nnnn is a three-digit or four-digit number that identifies a particular code page in Microsoft Windows. The subkey ss, used as ...