Here we show that the first manifestation of the apical-basal axis in plants, the asymmetric division of the zygote, produces a basal cell that transports and an apical cell that responds to the signalling molecule auxin. This apical-basal auxin activity gradient triggers the specification of ...
M. Meyerowitz, Cytokinin signaling as a positional cue for patterning the apical-basal axis of the growing Arabidopsis shoot meristem. Proc. Natl. Acad. ... VS Chickarmane,SP Gordon,PT Tarr,... 被引量: 197发表: 2012年 Cytokinin signaling Cytokinins influence many aspects of plant growth and...
gnom is one of several genes that make substantial contributions to pattern formation along the apical-basal axis of polarity in the Arabidopsis embryo as indicated by the mutant seedling phenotype. The apical and basal end regions of the body pattern, which include the meristems of the shoot an...
The EMT activator ZEB1 accelerates endosomal trafficking to establish a polarity axis in lung adenocarcinoma cells Article Open access 03 November 2021 Non-canonical functions of SNAIL drive context-specific cancer progression Article Open access 07 March 2023 Data...
Apical-basal axis formation and formation of the pri-mary root will be discussed in addition to the estab-lishment of bilateral symmetry during embryogen-esis.doi:10.1007/s003440010029Thorsten HamannSpringer-VerlagJournal of Plant Growth Regulation...
In multicellular organisms, a long-standing question is how spatial patterns of distinct cell types are initiated and maintained during continuous cell division and proliferation. Along the vertical axis of plant shoot apical meristems (SAMs), stem cells
During Arabidopsis embryogenesis, the zygote divides asymmetrically in the future apical-basal axis; however, a radial axis is initiated only within the ei... CW Vroemen,S Langeveld,U Mayer,... - 《Plant Cell》 被引量: 315发表: 1996年 Subdomains for transport via plasmodesmata corresponding to...
INTRODUCTION Thebasicbodyorganisationofhigherplantsisestablished duringembryogenesis(forreview,seeLauxandJürgens, 1997).Theapical-basalaxisoftheseedlingconsistsofa sequenceofdistinctstructures:shootmeristem,cotyledons, hypocotyl,rootandrootmeristem.InArabidopsis,theorigins ...
(for distinction indicated here in italics) is based on the consensus agreement that the transition zone between the aerial and the soil-borne part (theroot-shoot junction) is defined as the base of the plant, and the ends of a body axis - root and shoot tips - are defined as apices ...
Our study implies that the FGF4-MCAM-NFAT axis represents an essential signalling pathway for AB polarity as well as lumenogenesis. PLC-γ is a shared signalling nexus that acts downstream from more than 100 cell surface receptors40,41. In this regard, PLC-γ-mediated NFAT activation, ...