1982 . Apical surface of the epithelial cells in the gallbladder of the rainbow trout and the tench . Cell Tissue Res 224 : 449 – 454 .Viehberger, G., 1982. Apical surface of the epithelial cells in the gall- bladder of the rainbow trout and the tench. Cell Tissue Res. 224, 449...
(redirected fromApical surface) apical membrane the microvilli-bearing portion of the epithelial cell membrane at the secretory pole. Farlex Partner Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012 Want to thank TFD for its existence?Tell a friend about us, add a link to this page, or visitthe webmaster's ...
Theapicalcell and cell act as the ancestor cells of frond and rhizoid. 两个细胞分别成为叶片和假根的祖细胞. 互联网 EMapical( top ) surface of two epithelial cells cell membranes lie next to each other. 电镜 观察两个相邻上皮细胞顶部.
5.Statement 3: "Microvilli present on free apical surface of cells increase the absorptive surface area." - This statement iscorrect. Microvilli are tiny projections that increase the surface area for absorption, commonly found in the intestines. ...
The propagation of actin waves at the ventral surface of neutrophil is a typical case in point34,35,36,37. We verified whether CDRs display all these features. Firstly, we monitored by time-lapse microscopy their formation and recorded the subsequent extension of lamellipodia in response to ...
Compared with traditional apical surgery, apical microsurgery has clear advantages, such as precise identification of root apices, small osteotomy, shallow bell angle of root-end resection, clear exploration of the resected root surface, and accurate root-end preparation. Apical microsurgery is accurate...
The adherens and tight junctions are continuous adhesive contacts adjacent to the apical cell surface, while desmosomes and gap junctions form punctate contacts along the lateral cell–cell contacts. Thus, the AJ and TJ are assumed to be the main contributors to apical surface mechanical properties...
Apical cell surface materials were analysed with staining and lectin histochemistry in the chicken lens, from the earliest stages of lens morphogenesis through the completion of primary fibre cell elongation. Acidic materials were found to accumulate on the apical cell surface of the presumptive lens ...
Mg 2+, Ca 2+ and Mn 2+ were found to act as activators of the ATP-dependent surface reaction, leading to head-to-head association in bull spermatozoa. Ca 2+ was more efficient than Mg 2+, while Zn 2+, like Na + + K + in combination with Mg 2+, seemed to have no such effec...
Apical cell membranes are shed into urine from injured podocytes: a novel phenomenon of podocyte injury. The polarized distribution of an apical cell surface glycoprotein is maintained by interactions with the cytoskeleton of Madin-Darby...