图八: 94/10/24 : X光显示左下颚第二小臼齿有一黑圆圈,就是根尖病变(apical lesion)出现。假如治疗计划需拔牙,应考虑拔掉 … tw.myblog.yahoo.com|基于4个网页 2. 根尖病兆 根管治疗不完全合并根尖病兆(apical lesion),右 www.tao.org.tw|基于 1 个网页...
6. Imaging examinations Periapical radiographs and cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) should be obtained. The parallelling projection technique is recommended for periapical radiographs. CBCT can be used to determine the extent of the lesion and to examine the diseased tooth and its anatomical relati...
Apical (retrograde) peri-implantitis: A case report of an active lesion. J Oral Implantol 2002;28:92-96.Flanagan D. Apical (retrograde) peri-implantitis: a case report of an active lesion. J Oral Imaplantol 2002;28:92-96... D Flanagan - 《Journal of Oral Implantology》 被引量: 78...
3) Periapical Lesion 根尖周炎 1. Expression of vascular endothelial growth factor in experimental periapical lesions; 血管内皮生长因子在实验性根尖周炎中的表达 2. Expression of nuclear transcription factor-κB mRNA in experimental Periapical lesion in the rat; 核转录因子κB mRNA在实验性根尖周炎...
An apical lesion is caused by bacteria invading the tooth apex through caries. Periodontal disease is caused by plaque accumulation. Peri-endo combined lesions include both diseases and significantly affect dental prognosis. The lack of clear symptoms in the early stages of onset makes diagnosis ...
Define apical periodontitis. apical periodontitis synonyms, apical periodontitis pronunciation, apical periodontitis translation, English dictionary definition of apical periodontitis. n dentistry the inflammation of periodontal tissue Collins English Di
microRNA Expression in Rat Apical Periodontitis Bone Lesion. Bone Res 1, 170–185 (2013). https://doi.org/10.4248/BR201302006 Download citation Received11 February 2013 Accepted18 April 2013 Published28 June 2013 Issue Date31 December 2013 DOIhttps://doi.org/10.4248/BR201302006...
Representative radiologic image of the rats apical lesion of at 7 days after different irrigation procedures. X-ray images of the mandibular lesion of the control group (a), needle irrigation group (b), the passive ultrasonic irrigation group (c), and the EASYDO ACTIVATOR group (d). Representa...
目的: 通过曲面体层片、根尖定位片和牙(牙合)模型的测量和分析,比较上颌尖牙在不同愈合期拔牙区内的移动特征、移动速度,并对不同愈合期拔牙区内移动的上颌尖牙的根尖吸收、牙槽骨高度进行评估。2) Bone absorption in periapical lesion 根尖周骨吸收3
Increased presence of M1 macrophages and hepcidin expression was observed in lesion tissues of patients with CAP. P. gingivalis LPS stimulation robustly induced hepcidin expression in BMDMs and mediated P. gingivalis-derived M1 polarization of BMDMs. In summary, our study suggests a close association ...