輸入命令 =》# kubectl api-resources顯示k8s叢集中的所有api資源資訊,引數說明: NAME :api 資源名稱; SHORTNAMES :api 資源名稱簡寫; APIGROUP :api 分組管理; NAMESPACED :是否可使用名稱空間隔離,true 是, false 否; KIND :api 資源型別; 檢視k8s元件叢集狀態 =》# kubectl get cs =》出現【kubeadm安裝...
NAME SHORTNAMES APIGROUP NAMESPACED KIND bindings true Binding componentstatuses cs false ComponentStatus configmaps cm true ConfigMap endpoints ep true Endpoints events ev true Event limitranges limits true LimitRange namespaces ns false Namespace nodes no false Node persistentvolumeclaims pvc true Persi...
$ kubectl api-resources -o wide NAME SHORTNAMES APIGROUP NAMESPACED KIND VERBS bindingstrueBinding [create] componentstatuses csfalseComponentStatus [get list] configmaps cmtrueConfigMap [create delete deletecollection get list patch updatewatch] endpoints eptrueEndpoints [create delete deletecollection g...
$ kubectl api-resources -o wide NAME SHORTNAMES APIGROUP NAMESPACED KIND VERBS bindings true Binding [create] componentstatuses csfalseComponentStatus [getlist] configmaps cmtrueConfigMap [createdeletedeletecollectiongetlistpatchupdatewatch] endpoints eptrueEndpoints [createdeletedeletecollectiongetlistpatchupdat...
kubectl api-resources NAME SHORTNAMES APIGROUP NAMESPACED KIND bindings true Binding componentstatuses cs false ComponentStatus configmaps cm true ConfigMap <many more here/> volumeattachments storage.k8s.io false VolumeAttachment error: unable to retrieve the complete list of server APIs: metrics.k8s...
{ "apiVersion" : "v1", "groupVersion" : "rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1", "kind" : "APIResourceList", "resources" : [ { "kind" : "ClusterRole", "name" : "clusterroles", "namespaced" : false, "singularName" : "", "storageVersionHash" : "bYE5ZWDrJ44=", "verbs" : [ "cre...
NamespacedItemResolver Optional Pluralizer ProcessUtils Reflector ServiceProvider Str ViewErrorBag Translation ArrayLoader FileLoader MessageSelector TranslationServiceProvider Translator Validation Concerns Rules ClosureValidationRule DatabasePresenceVerifier
NamespacedItemResolver Optional Pluralizer ProcessUtils Reflector ServiceProvider Str ViewErrorBag Translation ArrayLoader FileLoader MessageSelector TranslationServiceProvider Translator Validation Concerns Rules ClosureValidationRule DatabasePresenceVerifier
ALIYUN::EDAS::NAMESPACE 命名空间 arn:acs:edas:cn-hangzhou:123456789xxxxxxx:namespace/xxxxxxxx 无影云桌面 资源类型 描述 ARN示例 ALIYUN::GWS::INSTANCE 实例 arn:acs:gws:cn-hangzhou:123456789xxxxxxx:instance/xxxxxxxx 视频直播 资源类型 描述 ARN示例 ALIYUN::LIVE::INSTANCE 实例 arn:acs:live:cn-hangzh...