FileData 是 有关触发事件的文件的数据。 SourceWorkload Self.SourceWorkload 是 找到该文件的工作负载和服务(例如 SharePoint Online、OneDrive for Business 或 Microsoft Teams) DetectionMethod Edm.String 是 Microsoft Defender for Office 365 用于检测的方法或技术。 LastModifiedDate Edm.Date 是 创建文件或...
EntityReadExceptionMicrosoft.BingAds.V13.BulkThis exception is thrown when attempting to read entities from a bulk file using BulkFileReader. To resolve this exception you can first check the stack trace to see the error details, in case there is some action you can take to resolve the issue...
When you run the server the first time, it creates a default SQLite database in the file db.sqlite3, which is generally intended for development purposes but can be used in production for low-volume web apps. Also, Django's built-in web server is intended only for local development purpos...
BulkResultUpdateRequest CloneOperationInformation 複製作業的詳細數據。 CloneOptions 複製測試套件的複製選項。 CloneStatistics 複製統計數據詳細數據。 CloneTestCaseOptions CodeCoverageData 代表組建 (平臺、類別) 和組建涵蓋範圍數據的組建組態 CodeCoverageStatistics 表示特定涵蓋範圍卷標的程式代碼涵蓋範圍統計數據...
BulkSMS Business Assist Businessmap Buy Me A Coffee (Independent Publisher) Byword (Independent Publisher) Calculate Working Day Calendar Pro Calendarific (Independent Publisher) Calendly Calendly (legacy) Campfire CandidateZip Resume/Job Parser Capsule CRM Captisa Forms Carbon Intensity (Independent Publis...
bulk api. use the following sample to create a client application. each section steps through part of the code. the complete sample is included at the end. valid date format in records specify the right format for datetime and date fields. prepare csv files the first row in a csv file ...
详细は、 「eventlogfile でサポートされているイベントタイプ」 を参照してください。 job_id 型 string 说明 bulk api ジョブの 15 文字の id。 login_key 型 string 说明 特定のユーザのログインセッションのすべてのイベントを结び付ける文字列。ログイ...
指向应用程序实现的 IPortableDevicePropertiesBulkCallback 接口的指针,该接口将在检索信息时接收信息。 [out] pContext 指向GUID 的指针,该 GUID 用于启动、取消或标识对任何客户端实现的 IPortableDevicePropertiesBulkCallback 回调的请求。 返回值 该方法返回 HRESULT。 可能的值包括(但并不限于)下表中的项。 展...
For convenience, we also provide a bulk upload helper to allow you to simultaneously upload several files at once.sample_files = [Path("sample-paper.pdf"), ...] batch = await client.vector_stores.file_batches.upload_and_poll(, files=sample_files, )...
(advanced users)BulkCachingMode.MANUAL: Same asBulkCachingMode.AUTOexcept the cache is never cleared automatically. To avoid getting stale data, the cache must be manually cleared at the beginning of each loop body or as the user deems appropriate. ...