How to Get Historical Stock Price Data Using Python Stock API By Intrinio January 9, 2023Choosing the right tech stack is critical for investors and fintech app developers, and Python has been increasing in popularity for a decade - for good reason. It’s simple syntax means quicker ...
hostname: '', port: null, path: '/stock/kline?region
作者: 安装插件后,再使用如下几个关键的api就可以实时获取到股价了。获取数据源A股:GetStockSource("601318")、ETF:GetStockSource("510900","上证")、港股:GetStockSource("00700","香港")、B股:GetStockSource("200596","深证"),代码根据自己需要进行修改,美股也支持 2020-07-05 21:56 找到一个很好用的api...
print(f"Failed to retrieve stock price for {symbol}.") return None def monitor_stock(symbol, api_key, interval=60): while True: stock_price = get_stock_price(symbol, api_key) if stock_price: print(f"The current stock price of {symbol} is: ${stock_price}") else: print(f"Failed ...
This function obtains the current stock price and other stock info of the input tickers (up to 200 tickers) from Google Finance with the undocumented Google Stock API. 인용 양식 pangyuteng (2025). Get Price of Stocks with Google Stock API (
# Stock API address: # Encode the following JSON and copy it to the "query" field of the HTTP query string {"trace": "python_http_test1", "data": {"code": "DJI.US", "kline_type": 1, "kline_timestamp_end": 0, "query_kl...
data = requests.get(url).json() print(data) Response示例 2. 增量日线行情数据接口 # Restful API{token} 不指定日期时,默认返回最新行情。此接口可方便地获取每日增量行情。 更新时间:收盘后3~4小时。
These are the best free APIs I could find to get real-time stock price exchange data. Use these to simply get the fresh stock market data in JSON or other formats they offer and then just do whatever you want. Some of the APIs are really powerful as they can be used in enterprise...
Another example to get quotations from Goldman Sachs (nyse) : rtf add --market="NYSE" --stock="GS" Forex example to get eur/usd quotation : rtf add --market="FX" --stock="EURUSD" Output example { price: 386.70, volume: 665805, time: 1643359743, symbol: 'NFLX', market: 'NASDAQ...
Library to get Chinese stock price Supported Engines: Sina Finance API Usage: import json from cstock.request import Requester from cstock.sina_engine import SinaEngine engine = SinaEngine() requester = Requester(engine) stock = requester.request("300327") data = stock[0].as_dict() print(dat...