2.18 required flow capacity 需要流量 Flow through a relief device required to prevent excessive pressure or vacuum in a tank under the most severe operating or emergency conditions. 在最严重的操作或紧急情况下,通过泄放装置的流量,以防止储罐中出现过大的压力或真空。 2.19 rollover 翻滚(指液体运动) ...
API Standards 620@ 650@ and 653 Interpretations - Tank Construction and In-Service Inspection (Answers to Technical Inquiries; First Edition)首页 标准 API PUBL 850-1997 标准全文 API PUBL 850-1997 预览[下载] 发布历史API PUBL 850-1997点击打开全屏PDF预览 点击查看大图 标准号 API PUBL 850-1997 发...
APIStandard653,TankInspection,Repair,Alteration,andReconstruction APIStandard1104,WeldingofPipelinesandRelatedFacilities APIRecommendedPractice2350,Over币ii/ProtectionforStorageTanksinPetroleumFacilities ASMEBoilerandPressureVesselCode1,SectionIX:WeldingandBrazingQualifications ...
I have a customer that has requested a tank designed to AI650 standards with the exception of adding an agitator in the sidewall. Has anyone ever come across this? I'm not really sure how to approach calculating a safe wall thickness. Any recommendations on where to find information to solv...
The tank nameplate shall state the date of the edition of the Standard and any revision to that edition to which the tank has been designed and con- - structed. - ` ` , , , , ` ` ,, Each edition, revision, or addenda to this API Standard may be used beginning with the ` •...
Bumpers will maintain a minimum rim space but if push comes to shove the floater will lose to the tank shell and could be damaged and possibly sink. I would do three things: (1) determine if the tank is leaning, if so in what direction, how much, and if the lean is expected to ...
海川网-API-2000中文合并版.pdf,API-2000 (中文版) Venting Atmospheric and Low-Pressure Storage Tanks Nonrefrigerated and Refrigerated 非制冷/制冷常压与低压储罐的通气 API STANDARD 2000 FIFTH EDITION, APRIL 1998 API 标准(2000 年) 第五版,1998 年4 月 This
Standards Chapter 1 Vocabulary 1995 2 1APIMPMS 2 2A Manual of Petroleum Measurement Standard Chapter 2 Tank Calibration Section 2A Measurement and Calibration of Upright Cylindrical Tanks by the Manual Tank Strapping Method 1995 1 1APIMPMS 2 2A Manual of Petroleum Measurement Standard Chapter 2 Tank...
内容提示: Manual of PetroleumMeasurement StandardsChapter 17—Marine MeasurementSection 2—Measurement of Cargoes On Board Tank VesselsSECOND EDITION, MAY 1999REAFFIRMED, SEPTEMBER 2011Copyright American Petroleum Institute Provided by IHS under license with API Licensee=University of Texas Revised Sub ...
Manual of Petroleum Measurement Standards Chapter 3 - Tank Gauging Section 3-Standard Practice for Level Measurement of Liquid Hydrocarbons in Stationary Pressurized Storage Tanks by Automatic Tank Gauging (PRIMERA EDICI?N) Manual de Estándares de Medición de Petróleo Capítulo 3 - Medición de Ta...