curl --header "Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key: <key string>" https://<apim gateway> 以下是以查询字符串形式在 URL 中传递密钥的 curl 命令示例:Bash 复制 curl https://<apim gateway><key string> 如果...
A subscription key is a unique autogenerated string, which is passed through in the headers of the client request, or as a query string in the URL. The key is directly related to a subscription, which can be scoped to different areas, giving granular control over pe...
在您的后端或自定义B2C策略注册用户的条带订阅的同时,您可以使用API-M REST API来创建用户和订阅。
Apparently, the Status Code being used for invalid or missing subscription key, is the status code "500 Internal Server Error", rather than the expected "401 Unauthorized". This behavior is rater weird. Can someone explain, why a failed authentication, doesn't produce an "401 Unauthorize...
Hello, What are some secure ways to pass the Azure API Management (APIM) subscription key while calling APIs, without exposing it in the browser network tab? Passing the key inside the header is not ideal as it can be exposed in the network tab. Would…
location = "<YOUR-RESOURCE-LOCATION>" path = '/translate' constructed_url = endpoint + path params = { 'api-version': '3.0' 'from': 'en' 'to': ['fr', 'zu'] } headers = { 'Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key': key # location required if you're using a multi-service or regional (not...
status_code) return False # 发送识别任务 def micrOcrSendImg(): # 请求URL url = f'{endpoint}/vision/v3.2/read/analyze' # 请求参数 params = { 'language': 'en' } # 请求头 headers = { 'Content-Type': 'application/octet-stream', 'Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key': subscription_key } # ...
(2)Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key,我们输入步骤一的API Access Key Request body: (1)我们修改为:{"url":""} 所有参数的修改内容如下图: Request URL为:
subscription key 在创建时是有作用范围的,本例中,我们将subscription key 的权限绑定到 “new-product”上,因此,该key在其他product或者其为包含在“new-product”里的api,都是无效的: 如下图,我们用subscription key对 echo api进行访问,结果为 401: