针对您提到的“Management API returned status code 500”问题,这里提供一个详细的排查和解决步骤,基于您提供的参考信息和给出的提示: 1. 确认Management API返回500状态码的具体请求和上下文 首先,需要明确是哪个具体的请求或操作触发了500状态码。这通常涉及到API的URL、请求方法(如GET、POST等)、请求头以及请求体...
(13条消息) rabbitmq: Management API returned status code 500_学无止境-CSDN博客
Go-micro报错 问题“id”: “go.micro.service.api”,“code”: 500, “detail”: “service not found”,“status”: “Internal Server Error” { "id":"go.micro.service.api", "code":500, "detail":"service not found", "status":"Internal Server Error" } 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 解决 ...
问题“id”: “go.micro.service.api”,“code”: 500, “detail”: “service not found”,“status”: “Internal Server Error” {"id":"go.micro.service.api","code":500,"detail":"service not found","status":"Internal Server Error"} 解决 我按照网上的教程看了之后还是报错不行,检查完之后,...
{StatusCode: 500, ReasonPhrase: 'Internal Server Error', Version: 1.1, Content: System.Net.Http.StreamContentReasonPhrase: "Internal Server Er 浏览1提问于2020-01-02得票数 0 回答已采纳 2回答 RESTful API中未处理的异常不会得到jsonify‘’ed 、、、 我有一个异常处理程序函数(exception_handler),它...
anandtripathi5 changed the title management api return 500 management API return status code 500 Jun 11, 2018 lukebakken self-assigned this Jun 11, 2018 Author anandtripathi5 commented Jun 11, 2018 @lukebakken the config file mentioned in the test module also in the readme.md is for 3....
为什么使用HTTP方式调用API,提示签名出错:Status Code: 400? 报错原因:HTTP调用的签名机制较为复杂,如果自行构建签名方法容易出现代码错误。 解决方法:建议您直接使用内容安全SDK,SDK中已经封装了签名过程,无需您再编写签名代码。如果您只能使用HTTP方式调用接口,建议先查看内容安全签名机制。更多信息,请参见SDK概览、签名...
500 status code received on POST method for API: /api/v1/stacks/HDP/versions/2.5/recommendations Error message: Server Error Labels: Apache Ambari Hortonworks Data Platform (HDP) mkumar13 Guru Created on 04-11-2017 02:34 PM - edited 08-17-2019 11:38 PM First of ...
500 status code received on DELETE method for API: /api/v1/clusters/mycluster Labels: Apache Ambari facundo Contributor Created 06-10-2016 09:44 PM In "Cluster install wizard", "Review" step, when I hit "Deploy" button I get the error message 500 status codereceived on...
Bug Description I found a request obtaining a 500 status code with the error message "No message available". The 500 status code is reproducible, but the message is not (now the message is "Index 0 out of bounds for length 0"). However, I have a test report showing the "No message ...