API_598-2004中文版.pdf,API STANDARD 598-2004 阀门检查和试验 1 概述 1.1 范围 1.1.1 本标准包括了下列阀门的检查 检验 附加检验及压力试验的要求 弹性密封 非金属密封 例如陶瓷密封 和金属对金属密封的闸阀 截止阀 旋塞阀 球阀 止回阀和蝶阀 弹性密封有以下几种 a. 软密
APl 598 是对引用它的API 标准的补充,但经买方与阀门制造厂商定,APl 598 也可用于其他类阀门。 1.1.2 检查要求适用于由阀门制造厂进行的检验和试验及买方要求在阀门制造厂内进行的任何补充检验.试验要求适用于在阀门制造厂内进行 的需要的和任选的压力试验。
API 598 阀门标准.pdf,SPECIAL NOTES 声明 API publications necessarily address API 标准在常规条件下必须遵守。至于特殊环 problems of a general nature. With respect to 境、地点、国家以及联邦政府所制定的法律法规以 particular circumstances, local, state, and
API STD 598 下载积分: 2000 内容提示: Valve Inspection and TestingAPI STANDARD 598NINTH EDITION, SEPTEMBER 2009Copyright American Petroleum Institute Provided by IHS under license with API Licensee=University of Texas Revised Sub Account/5620001114, User=dfefa, adfaNot for Resale, 05/29/2016 03:...
阀门标准API_598-2009-中文 热度: APIStandard598 ValveInspectionandTesting StandardEditionSectionInquiry#QuestionReply 598SixthEdition,19904.1WithreferencetoParagraph4.1.4ofAPI598, 6thEdition,1990,isfillingthevalvebodywith thevalveintheopenpositionwithafluidat ...
美国石油协会API 598-2016 阀门的检查与试验 双语版.pdf,API 598 第 10 版 2016 阀门的检查与试验 Valve Inspection and Testing API 598 -- 2016 1. Scope 范围 1.1. This standard covers inspection, examination, supplementary examinations, and pressure test requir
API 598 阀门标准
API 598 阀门标准
ServiceClassRegions Logic Apps Standard All Logic Apps regions Power Automate Standard All Power Automate regions Power Apps Standard All Power Apps regions展开表 Contact Name Microsoft URL Microsoft LogicApps SupportMicrosoft Power Automate SupportMicrosoft Power Apps Support展开...
{ "value": "tier", "localizedValue": "tier" }, "value": "Standard" } ] }, { "metadatavalues": [ { "name": { "value": "tier", "localizedValue": "tier" }, "value": "Untiered" } ] }, { "metadatavalues": [ { "name": { "value": "tier", "localizedValue": "tier" ...