API 53是指现行标准API STANDARD 53-5TH EDITION 2018 Well Control Equipment Systems for Drilling Wells(钻井井控装备系统 - 第5版)。API RP 53是旧版标准,即第1版、第2版或第3版,是被替代或废止的旧行版本。API RP 53-1st 发布于1976年2月,取代1966年发布的API公报D13。 API RP 53-...
specified range, it conforms to API 53. 53 4th Edition, Nov. 2012 6.5.4 53-02-15 In reference to API Standard 53 requirements in and, is the smallest OD pipe to include tubulars that are considered part of the
2、获取OpenAI的API秘钥 当你注册号OpenAI账号后,接下来需要做的是获取你的API秘钥,也就是key。这个...
ListCheckStandard 云平台配置检查获取标准列表 云平台配置检查获取标准列表。 ListCheckItem 获取可以进行自定义检查项配置模版列表 获取可以进行自定义检查项配置列表。 StartBaselineSecurityCheck 执行云产品配置检查任务 执行云产品配置检查任务,支持全量检测或对单个检查项进行检查或验证。 ModifySecurityCheckScheduleConfig...
How can I get the background color of a slide or the presentation theme? I cannot find such an option in the documentation. For example, most presentations (including the standard one) have a white bg. But some have a different color, I want to get… ...
hi strsafe.h functions do more checks to do string operations so I think standard string functions is faster is this correct? or should I use strsafe functions? thanks Windows API - Win32 Windows API - Win32 A core set of Windows application programming interfaces (APIs) for desktop and ser...
ChannelType Edm.String No The type of channel being audited (Standard/Private). ExtraProperties Collection(Self.KeyValuePair) No A list of extra properties. HostedContents Collection(Self.HostedContent) No A collection of chat or channel message hosted contents. Invitee Edm.String No For shared cha...
While the core of wgpu is based on the WebGPU standard, we also support extensions that allow for features that the standard does not have yet. For high-level documentation on how to use these extensions, see the individual specifications: ...
} ID: "53ff8d3d003b438b57a8a784df38f6b3", 名称:“Test_Project_1”, 对象代码:“项目”, percentComplete: 0, plannedCompletionDate: "2014-08-28T11:00:00:000-0400", plannedStartDate: "2014-08-28T11:00:00:000-0400", 优先级: 0, ...