APIStd53-BlowoutPreventionEquipment Systems for Drilling Wells Last update: August 12, 2015 Page 1 of 9 Standard Edition Section Inquiry # Question Reply API Std 53 - Blowout Prevention Equipment Systems for Drilling Wells Last update: August 12, 2015 ...
API 53是指现行标准API STANDARD 53-5TH EDITION 2018 Well Control Equipment Systems for Drilling Wells(钻井井控装备系统 - 第5版)。API RP 53是旧版标准,即第1版、第2版或第3版,是被替代或废止的旧行版本。API RP 53-1st 发布于1976年2月,取代1966年发布的API公报D13。 API RP 53-...
2、获取OpenAI的API秘钥 当你注册号OpenAI账号后,接下来需要做的是获取你的API秘钥,也就是key。这个...
How can I get the background color of a slide or the presentation theme? I cannot find such an option in the documentation. For example, most presentations (including the standard one) have a white bg. But some have a different color, I want to get… ...
How can I get the background color of a slide or the presentation theme? I cannot find such an option in the documentation. For example, most presentations (including the standard one) have a white bg. But some have a different color, I want to get… ...
ChannelType Edm.String No The type of channel being audited (Standard/Private). ExtraProperties Collection(Self.KeyValuePair) No A list of extra properties. HostedContents Collection(Self.HostedContent) No A collection of chat or channel message hosted contents. Invitee Edm.String No For shared cha...
} ID: "53ff8d3d003b438b57a8a784df38f6b3", 名称:“Test_Project_1”, 对象代码:“项目”, percentComplete: 0, plannedCompletionDate: "2014-08-28T11:00:00:000-0400", plannedStartDate: "2014-08-28T11:00:00:000-0400", 优先级: 0, ...
While the core of wgpu is based on the WebGPU standard, we also support extensions that allow for features that the standard does not have yet. For high-level documentation on how to use these extensions, see the individual specifications: ...