3. 避免常见风险 使用 API 网关和访问令牌进行授权,可以避免常见的 API 安全风险。例如,在OWASP 十大中,您可以找到以下项目:对象级授权漏洞 (BOLA)用户身份验证漏洞 (BUA)对象属性级授权漏洞 (BOPLA)资源消耗不受限制对敏感业务流程的访问不受限制 您可以在 API 网关中配置速率限制,从而避免资源消耗不受限制。...
looking for well-known vulnerabilities, such as theOWASP Top 10. It runs the APIS that it can read into, trying different inputs and checking responses. The result of this process is a health check report. Some APIs won’t have security weaknesses...
Make API security testing an integral part of your broader application testing processes Perform continuous discovery of APIs Implement a systematic approach for identifying and remediating common API vulnerabilities, including theOWASP API Top 10
API Security blog with advice, knowledge series, best practices and how to articles on API vulnerabilities and how to prevent against them.
watchful eye for any unusual network activity and update APIs with the latest security patches, bug fixes and new features. Monitoring should also include awareness of and preparation for common API vulnerabilities, like those included on the Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP) top 10 ...
Make API security testing an integral part of your broader application testing processes Perform continuous discovery of APIs Implement a systematic approach for identifying and remediating common API vulnerabilities, including theOWASP API Top 10
除了这些最佳实践之外,可以考虑采用开放式 Web 应用程序安全项目(Open Web Application Security Project,缩写 OWASP)的建议。他们提供了特定平台的指导,以及即将推出的特定 API 的指导——API 安全 Top 10。除了在代码层面保护 API 之外,还需要确保正确配置服务器和基础设施,以避免未经授权的访问。
Learn about API security, the common threats and best practices, and how Imperva API Security can help protect your APIs from cyberattacks.
API 为组织创造了无数机会来改善和提供服务、吸引客户并提高生产力和利润 — 但前提是您必须安全地实施它们。构建 API 时,请在开发过程中考虑质量和安全性,而不是等到事后。安全的 API 才是好的 API! 转载:https://www.explinks.com/blog/keeping-your-apis-safe-best-practices-for-top-notch-security/...
除了这些最佳实践之外,可以考虑采用开放式 Web 应用程序安全项目[5](Open Web Application Security Project,缩写 OWASP)的建议。他们提供了特定平台的指导,以及即将推出的特定 API 的指导——API 安全 Top 10[6]。除了在代码层面保护 API 之外,还需要确保正确配置服务器和基础设施,以避免未经授权的访问。