The response should be that the "expires" is set to that which is in the request payload, or an error if it is invalid and not setting it to null which has the result that the token has unlimited validity. Observed Behavior All tokens set via the API have unlimited validity. ...
我指的是来自此链接的授权代码流的步骤4:我知道授权码是有效的,因为在我运行请求的前几次(可能是5-10次),它不会失败。当我打印来自POST的响应时,我得到以下信息:{'error_description':‘授权码过期’,'error':'invalid_grant'} 我假设我没有足够快 浏览30提问于2017-07-17得票数 2 回答已采纳 1回答 如...
Invalid backend port number. 无效的端口号 使用正确的端口号 400 APIG.2026 The request path parameters do not match the request URI. 请求路径与请求参数不匹配 将请求路径包含的参数添加到请求参数中 400 APIG.2027 The backend path parameters do not match the backend URI. 后端路径与后端参数不匹配 ...
{ "errors": [ { "code": "invalid_value", "message": "The value provided for the `expires_in` field must be between `300` and `3600`.", "more_info": "", "target": { "name": "expires_in", "type": "field...
invalid_request 请求参数验证失败,例如,当 challenge_type 参数值包含不支持的身份验证方法,或请求未包含 client_id 参数,导致客户端 ID 值为空或无效。 使用 error_description 参数了解错误的具体原因。 invalid_client 应用包含在请求中的客户端 ID 是供缺少本机身份验证配置的应用使用的,例如,不是公共客户端或...
404InvalidAccessKeyId.NotFoundThe Access Key ID provided does not exist in our records.无效的AccessKey诊断 400InvalidQuotaCategoryThe QuotaCategory is invalid.参数QuotaCategory无效。诊断 400Throttling.UserRequest was denied due to user flow control.由于请求频次达到阈值,请求被拒绝,请稍后重试。诊断 ...
<policies> <inbound> <set-variable name="fromDate" value="@(context.Request.Url.Query["fromDate"].Last())"> <set-variable name="toDate" value="@(context.Request.Url.Query["toDate"].Last())"> <send-request mode="new" response-variable-name="revenuedata" timeout="20" ignore-error...
"expires": "string", "username": "string", "password": "pa$$word", "tenantname": "string" ] as [String : Any] let postData = parameters, options: []) let request = NSMutableURLRequest(url: NSURL(string: "
The problem BMW ConnectedDrive does not seem to be able to connect anymore. In the logs I see the following error: "MyBMW API error: HTTPStatusError: invalid_request" and after that I see an error "Unexpected error fetching bmw_connected...
Send Consumption Information[5] :当用户申请退款时,苹果通知(CONSUMPTION_REQUEST)开发者服务器,开发者可在12小时内,提供用户的信息(比如游戏金币是否已消费、用户充值过多少钱、退款过多少钱等),最后苹果收到这些信息,协助“退款决策系统” 来决定是否允许用户退款。