importio.github.ibuildthecloud.gdapi.request.ApiRequest;//导入依赖的package包/类@OverridepublicbooleanhandleException(ApiRequestrequest, Throwable t)throwsIOException, ServletException{if( tinstanceofClientVisibleException ) {returnfalse; } Map<String,Object> data =newHashMap<String,Object>(); data.put...
一、使用HttpURLConnectionHttpURLConnection是Java标准库的一部分,可以用来发送HTTP请求并获取响应。以下是一个简单的示例:```javaURL url = new URL("");HttpURLConnection conn = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection();conn.setRequestMethod("GET");InputStream in = new ...
This section uses IDEA as an example to describe how to integrate the Java SDK for API request signing. You can import the sample code, and integrate the signing SDK into
In a Java EE application that uses the JMS API, you can use transactions to combine message sends or receives with database updates and other resource manager operations. You can access resources from multiple application components within a single transaction. For example, a servlet can start a ...
}if(HttpsURLConnection.HTTP_BAD_REQUEST == code) {//设置请求失败isRequestSuccess =false;// 获取输入流BufferedReaderin=newBufferedReader(newInputStreamReader( httpConn.getErrorStream(), Charset.forName("UTF-8")));Stringtemp=in.readLine();StringBuildersb=newStringBuilder();// 连接成一个字符串while...
at at okio.Okio$ at okio.AsyncTimeout$ ...21 more 问题在于api里面处理的时间比较久,而我所创建的 OkHttpClient 客户端并没有给足够的时间取处理,因此需要设置更长的连接和读取时间,延长...
OpenAI-Java Java libraries for using OpenAI's GPT apis. Supports GPT-3, ChatGPT, and GPT-4. Includes the following artifacts: api: request/response POJOs for the GPT APIs. client: a basic retrofit client for the GPT endpoints, includes theapimodule ...
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object getClass,notify,notifyAll,wait,wait,wait Constructor Detail ReimportApiRequest public ReimportApiRequest()
SubmitDigitalDocStructureJobResponseresponse=client.submitDigitalDocStructureJobAdvance(request, runtimeOptions); System.out.println(JSON.toJSON(response.getBody())); } 以Java SDK为例,传入文档url调用方式的请求示例代码如下,调用SubmitDigitalDocStructureJob接口,通过fileUrl参数实现传入文档url。请注意,您传入...
The Java API for JSON Processing (JSR 353) provides portable APIs to parse, generate, transform, and query JSON using object model and streaming APIs. The object model API creates a random-access, tree-like structure that represents the JSON data in memory. The tree can then be navigated an...