API rate limit exceeded. 请求速率超过限速值,当前速率值可以查看请求的 header。 429 API quota exceeded. 配置超限,剩余的配额可以通过请求的 header 查看。 429 req is cross origin, api $uri need open cors flag on qcloud apigateway. 该请求是跨域请求,但对应的 API 并未打开跨域开关。
FailedOperation.QuotaLimitExceeded配额超限,如有需求请联系客服人员。 FailedOperation.SecondaryUserNotFound从用户不存在。 FailedOperation.UserGroupNameAlreadyExists用户组名称已存在。 FailedOperation.UserGroupNotFound用户组不存在。 FailedOperation.UserIsFreeze用户已被冻结。
We just recently experienced an issue with our ArcGIS online portal give us an "API Call Quota Exceeded (10007) Maximum allowed (10000) per minute. Retry in 60 sec. error". This really slowed down our whole portal to the extent it was unusable, from both an Admin an...
quotaLimitReached用户已达到其配额限制。 unauthenticated调用方未进行身份验证。 innererror对象可能以递归方式包含更多innererror对象,其中具有其他更多具体的错误代码。 处理错误时,应用应遍历所有可用错误代码并使用它们认为最详细的错误代码。 在本页底部列出了一些更详细的代码。
“API Rate Limit Exceeded” is a warning message that appears when the number of requests a user exceeds what the system permits. Generally, this means that too many requests were sent to the API in too short of a time frame. Some or all requests will not be processed. The user will ...
403quotaExceeded表示已达到特定操作的并发请求数量上限。使用指数退避算法重试。您需要降低发送请求的速率。 429rateLimitExceeded表示已达到特定操作的并发请求数量上限。使用指数退避算法重试。您必须降低发送请求的速率。 此限制针对每个 Google Workspace 帐号,而非每个 API 客户端或每个用户。此限额无法提高。
In GitHub Actions the macOS machines share the same IP range, meaning that users will come against the GitHub quota often. #602 To overcome this issue, use this tool instead of pip install -r. This tool clones rather than GETs: https://api.github.com/repos/<org>/<repo>/zipball#egg=...
InstancesQuotaLimitExceeded表示当前创建的实例个数超过了该账户允许购买的剩余配额数。 InvalidInstanceName.TooLong指定的 InstanceName 字符串长度超出限制,必须小于等于60字节。 InvalidPassword表示指定的密码复杂度符合限制要求。 InvalidClientToken.TooLong指定的 ClientToken 字符串长度超出限制,必须小于等于64字节。
The account is also more than 48 hours old so there is no RPD limit. But when he runs a request, OpenAI responds: { “error”: { “message”: “You exceeded your current quota, please check your plan and billing details.”, “type”: “insufficient_quota”, “...
API Management 访问限制策略:quota-by-key ,该策略有个属性renewal-period,它的单位为秒,在实验中多次设置此值,解析出来的结果都与设置的时间不匹配。APIM 策略设置如下(如 renewal-period="3000" 设置为50分钟): # policy 定义 <inbound> <quota-by-key calls="1" renewal-period="3000" counter-key...