TheQR Code Generator APIis supported byFabriXAPI, an All-in-one API Platform that supports API Needs and it is certified as “AWS Qualified Software” since 2022. You can register for an API portal for free, share and monetise APIs easily on the trustable platform certified by ISO27001. Fe...
Request URL Request Method POST Request Body { "frame_name": "bottom-frame", "qr_code_text": "", "image_format": "SVG", "frame_color": "#02bfff", "frame_icon_name...
QR-Code Generator - generate QR code for any text/URL you enter (Live - javascriptcsshtmlwebsiteqrcode-generatorglassmorphismqrcode-generator-api UpdatedJul 5, 2022 JavaScript I created this repo to generate a nice qr code via API. It generates and ...
$img_string = $result['contents']['content']; $data = explode(',',$img_string); file_put_contents("qrcode.png",base64_decode( $data[1] )); Ratelimiting Some of our API calls may be public(requires free API key) , while others requires paid subscription. To maintain our serice ...
FiberAPI 向企業免費提供轉數快二維碼(FPS QRCode)生成服務,閣下只須輸入簡單資料,便可一鍵生成轉數快二維碼(FPS QRCode)。企業手持商戶轉數快二維碼(FPS QRCode),顧客只須經智能電話快速掃瞄二維碼,便可輕鬆核對帳單,一鍵支付,實現超高效收款過程!
<imgsrc=" custid=1&username=public&codetype=QR&EClevel=0&data=abcdefg"width="300"/> QR Code 生成结果范例如下:
npx @nestjs/clinewqr-code-generator-api #Moveinto the project directory cd qr-code-generator-api 第2 步:安装qrcode.js 接下来,安装该 qrcode.js 软件包,这将使小编能够生成二维码。在项目目录中运行以下命令: npm install qrcode 第3 步:生成二维码 ...
cd qr-code-generator-api 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 第2 步:安装qrcode.js 接下来,安装该 qrcode.js 软件包,这将使小编能够生成二维码。在项目目录中运行以下命令: npm install qrcode 1. 第3 步:生成二维码 现在小编已经设置了 NestJS 和qrcode.js,让小编创建一个 QR 码生成service。在 NestJS 中,service...
QR Code Generator - 你可以使用 QR 码生成器 Web API 在 上生成和解码/读取 QR 码图形. Ruby China - 访问 的API. StackExchange 访问Stack Exchange API. SVN - 文档涵盖了 Subversion 库提供的公共 API. 它主要面向程序员, 无论是从事 Subversion 本身的开发人员, 还...
npm i strapi-plugin-qrcode-generator or yarn add strapi-plugin-qrcode-generator Configuration Include this to your .env file : STRAPI_BASE_FRONTEND= STRAPI_BASE_FRONTEND_POSTFIX=parametersYouWantToAdd Example: STRAPI_BASE_FRONTEND= STRAPI_BASE_...