Mostspecificcodes listed with an API method also fall into this category. AccountBanned (1002): The player account has been banned, all API methods will fail with this error. AccountDeleted (1322): The player account has been deleted, all API methods will fail with this error. ...
已設定的 WebApplication 支援Map{Verb} 和MapMethods,其中的 {Verb} 是駝峰式大小寫的 HTTP 方法,例如 Get、Post、Put 或Delete:C# 複製 var builder = WebApplication.CreateBuilder(args); var app = builder.Build(); app.MapGet("/", () => "This is a GET"); app.MapPost("/", () => "...
api-version=2024-05-01 { "properties": { "description": "apidescription5200", "authenticationSettings": { "openidAuthenticationSettings": [ { "openidProviderId": "openidProviderId2283", "bearerTokenSendingMethods": [ "authorizationHeader" ] }, { "openidProviderId": "openidProviderId2284", "...
The App ID APIs use standardHTTP status codesto indicate whether a method completed successfully. HTTP response codes in the2xxrange indicate success. A response in the4xxrange is some sort of failure, and a response in the5xxrange usually indicates an internal system error. ... HTTP Methods (9 种) CONNECT & TRACE ...
Uses HTTP methods (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE) to tell the API what you want it to do API call Process of a client (your computer) making an API request to a server Status code A number code that appears in the body of an API response that tells you if your request was successful or...
The allow methods of the cors plugin do not contain the method of attached API 跨域插件的允许方法不包含绑定的API的方法 不允许操作 409 APIG.3466 An OPTIONS API with the same path of the current API already exists 与当前API请求路径相同,方法为OPTIONS的API已存在 删除当前API请求路径相同,方法为OP...
Methods Access control Integrations Request validation Data transformations Mapping templates for REST APIs Set up data transformations in API Gateway Use a mapping template to override an API's request and response parameters and status codes Set up request and response data mappings using the console...
Client-side Status Code Client-side status codes are HTTP response codes that are generated by a client's web browser in response to a server's attempt to fulfill the client's request. These codes are used to communicate information about the status of the request to the client, and they ...
Methods can potentially take a long period of time to process, especially methods that support the Depth header. In such cases the client may time-out the connection while waiting for a response. To prevent this the server may return a `102 (Processing)` status code to indicate to the clie...